Day 2716 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 10:38 NIV What are you willing to lose? That question has been rolling around my mind for several days now. Contrary to what some out there are teaching, a life of faith isn't one of worldly gain. Giving our lives over to Jesus doesn't mean we'll find fame, fortune, comfort, or acceptance. We've touched on that over the last few days. Most recently, yesterday's post discussed this opportunity we have to become undignified among those who have no problem pointing out our foolishness and their opinions about our faith. But all too often, we tend to find ourselves catering far too much to the preferences and pressures of the world around us. And it's hard to keep from it. This place has all of these expectations that everyone is expected to adhere to in their lives. There's this modus operandi amongst this society that tells us how we're expected to live, what we're allowed to believe, and what we had better agree with. But the thing that we as ...