Day 2709 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 3:17 NIV

Yesterday we discussed what we're fighting against and what we're fighting for, and the very important difference between the two. Unfortunately, it's a difference that tends to be misunderstood. Those misunderstandings come because we're here doing something different than the status quo that the wicked masses have decided upon following. We're here carrying a message that is offensive to those who are accustomed to believing in lies and living according to the deception of sin.

Unfortunately, our task will be met with hatred and strife as those outside of our faith are unaware of the definition of love we’ve been given from our Father through our Savior. Sadly this world thinks that disagreement means condemnation. They have settled for equating love with acceptance. People have chosen to believe that those who don’t agree with their choices or actions simply hate them and don’t want them to be happy. Those who are lost in the dark don’t understand there’s another way to live out in the light of Christ, and so they simply resort to fighting back against anyone who tries to help them see that difference.

After all, they did kill Jesus because He proclaimed a message the world simply didn’t want to hear. What do we think is going to happen to us when we share that same message in the same world that still doesn’t want to hear it?

We’re going to be hated. We’re going to be judged. We’re going to be misunderstood. People will think that we’re trying to undermine their authority or condemn their hollow idea of freedom. They’ll assume that we’re out to harm them or judge them personally as we stand against many of the things that they stand for and believe in. They’ll jump to all these conclusions that tell them that we’re the ones who are wrong, because unfortunately the majority simply don’t understand the difference between judging the person and judging the sin that’s harming the person. They’ll do whatever it takes and believe whatever it takes to maintain the illusion that they’re doing nothing wrong. And if it means judging or hating us, then that’s exactly what they’ll do.

But as Christians, we are called to live according to God's definition of love, and sadly, our world has settled upon a far inferior definition of that word. And the lack of continuity in what true love really is forms the basis of every misunderstanding, every stumbling block, every struggle that we'll have in trying to help people see through the filth and the lies and the darkness that they're lost within. What we’re doing is trying to help the world find true freedom in the form of forgiveness from sin. But from their perspective, they only see us as trying to judge them for things that they’ve never thought were wrong.

There’s this chasm created by people no longer being able to separate themselves from their actions. If someone tells you that you’re doing something wrong, they’re saying the action is wrong, not you. And they tell you that the action is wrong because they simply love you too much to lie and let you mess up and risk eternal suffering. It’s the actions we’re looking at, not the lost souls who blindly do things without thinking about the danger or the wickedness or the warnings.

What everyone needs to firmly understand is that we are not here to fight against people. We are not here to hate anyone. We are not here to stand in condemnation of any other human being because we simply do not have that right and our opinions have no weight in the court of eternity. And in reality, being hateful and judgmental is simply not going to accomplish anything anyway because hateful and judgmental is how the world operates, and if we do as the world does then what difference could we possibly make?

If we lower ourselves to the pitiful standards of this fallen society, then what message are we sending about our faith? Are we showing that we've been changed and now have hearts set on love if we bicker and argue and get dragged into petty debates over matters that have no real significance? Do we testify to Christ's mercy when we ourselves come across as unmerciful? Do we share a pure message of the cross if we look down on those around us or act as if we're somehow better than they are? Do we further the Gospel in any way whatsoever if we pollute it with our own opinions or by allowing the opinions of others to sway our presentation of it?

The world is already going to disagree with much of what we have to say, but that’s nothing that we can control. We can’t force open ears, open minds, or open hearts. We can’t force someone to listen to this message we have to share. But we can control where that message is coming from inside of us. Is it coming from a place of hatred, judgment, anger, entitlement, pride, vanity, greed? Or are we coming from a place of love, mercy, grace, compassion, understanding, and this sense of desperation for the souls who are lost but unaware of it?

Are we sharing the Gospel because we want people to hear it, or because we want them to hear our opinions of it?

Now there are definitely plenty of other issues and gray areas and room for misunderstandings to grow and fester but we need to focus on what we can control. And one of the most important things that we need to always keep in mind is that we're to share the Gospel with love and mercy. We're to present the truth, not argue about why someone doesn't understand it. We're to pray for others to receive the message we share, not hate them when they seem to be disinterested in it. We're to follow the example of Christ, not act like we're better than anyone because we do so.

The whole point of our time and our calling in this place is to share the message of Christ and what He did for all of humanity on the cross. As this verse tells us, He didn't come into this world to condemn the world. He didn't come here to beat everyone into submission. He didn't spend His time here trying to prove He was right. He didn't waste His time arguing over foolish worldly things. He spoke the truth, pointed everyone to God, and gave us the opportunity to follow Him away from the evil and sin that we'd known toward a freedom we never knew possible.

So I think what it all comes down to is what it is that we want to accomplish here. What do we want to our lives to mean? What is our priority? Is it actually sharing the Gospel and helping people find the mercy and forgiveness that Christ offers us? Or is it using that message as some sort of weapon to cause conflict? Is it standing upon the truth of God's word? Or is it using God's word as a tool to argue with those we should be lovingly trying to help? Are we trying to make ourselves look better, or prove that we're right, or force someone else to agree with our beliefs? Or are we trying to cut through the lies that have our brothers and sisters locked in chains?

Are we pointing to the Way or getting in the way?

Christ came to this earth to kindly, lovingly, and boldly warn people about the judgement of sin that is coming for us all someday. But He didn't come to start that judgement. He didn't come to unleash God's wrath on the world. He didn't come to divide, demean, debate, or despise. He came to show God's love for all of humanity, and friends, that's what we're called to do as well. We're called to try and bring people together in Christ so that we all find His saving grace. We're here to lift one another up and encourage one another to do the best that we can do and be the best that we can be.

Sadly, yes, some will not see it that way because the truth we share is offensive and much of our world simply doesn't know how to be offended anymore. As 2 Corinthians 2:16 tells us, "To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life." To some we'll be seen as villains who are trying to bring death to their fun and enjoyment and pleasure. They'll jump to this assumption that we hate them and that we're just mean and rude and judgmental. But again, we can't control that. The opinions of others are theirs alone to form. What we need to worry about is simply handling the truth of the Gospel properly and letting God sort it all from there.

We need to stop worrying about those who will never hear us out or have the humility to consider a truth that confronts their brokenness. We need to stop fighting with those who simply won't give God a chance in their lives. We need to stop wasting our time trying to knock down hardened hearts realizing that we simply don't have the power or the ability to do so, and just leave that part to God. Focus instead on simply sharing the Gospel. Focus on loving people, even those who undeservingly hate you in return. Focus on studying the example of Christ and doing your best to follow it in your life.

Just remember that our job isn't to sort out the good from the bad or the wicked from the righteous. That's God's place. Our purpose is to simply speak the truth, warn against sin, fight against the darkness around us, and in everything point to the cross of Christ. Again, as I've said a few times lately, we're not here to make anyone's choice for them or argue over the choices they make. We're just here to make sure everyone knows they have a choice to make. And that's always between them and God. We just stand in the gap and point.

If some choose to take our sharing of the Gospel as judgment, well, that’s on them. But we’d better know our reason and purpose for sharing it because that’s what we’ll have to answer for.


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