Day 2708 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 6:12 NIV

Our charge to share the Gospel in this place is one that is sure to bring all sorts of different challenges. It will inspire confrontation. It will lead to misunderstandings. It will cause strife and strain and struggle. We will face opposition and a whole horde of those who take our sharing of God's truth as a personal attack on them because it confronts the lies that they’ve allowed to form the foundation of their existence when in reality it's an attack on the sin in which we've all been lost and held captive. But as hard as it may be, and as difficult as the odds may seem, and as often as people may take it wrong, it's a duty that we simply cannot ignore, avoid, or take lightly.

You see, one of the biggest issues we face in sharing the Gospel is that people have learned to hate truth. They have gone for so long only listening to only what affords them the ability to remain delightfully lost in the dark where they feel as if they can do anything their hearts desire without fear of those wicked transgressions being seen by anyone else. So many people have found so much comfort in the lies and shadows that sin offers that they will fight tooth and nail to keep from being shaken out of that place where they think their deeds are hidden and therefore immune to judgment and consequence.

We even do it ourselves. Even though we're Christians, we still slip up and fall short and fail often. We still make bad choices and let our emotions do our thinking more than we should. We give into sin's appeal and choose to momentarily forget the dangers lurking in the shadows to which sin lures us. We get caught up in the things that the rest of the world is doing and we find this curiosity that can be difficult to shake off of hearts.

But thankfully, if we're in God's word with hearts set on seeking His will and following Christ's path, then we will notice our mistakes and get to work fixing them. We'll realize that we've made a wrong turn and start back-tracking to where we were before veering off course. We'll humble ourselves and pray and turn back to God, asking His forgiveness of our error and for His help leading us back where we belong.

That's something that we learn to handle as we grow in our faith and study God's word and mature in our walk with Christ. But this isn't just us. That's something that we've kind of been talking about for a few days or so now. This mission we've been called to undertake is one that is meant to spread out into the world and into the hearts of those to which God leads us. Our responsibility lies in our testifying to the truth of the Gospel and sharing the work that He has done in our lives through the saving grace found within.

And that's where we'll find a whole new set of issues. You see, when lost in sin and unaware of the deadly danger found there, people don't want to hear a truth that confronts their complacency. They don't want someone to come along and tell them that what they're doing is both wrong and dangerous. The fact is that they know. They know that they're making bad choices. They know that they're doing wrong. They know that they're messing up and need to get their act together. But they have decided to ignore that fact so that they don't have to change anything or lose anything or even admit that they've known better.

So when we come alongside them and speak God's truth into their ears, they'll likely take it personally. They'll assume that we're attacking them. They'll accuse us of being rude, hateful, judgmental, and unloving because they believe that we're against them and want to make them feel bad. And in this world, that message isn't hidden anymore. People are all about making others comfortable in their wicked ways. Feelings and opinions are held in higher regard than truth and spiritual growth. And so it stands to reason that this truth we have to share isn't likely to be highly accepted in a place that's learned to find comfort in lies.

But the reality that I truly want everyone to understand is that it's not personal. It's not political. It's not coming from a place of judgment. It's not about making someone else look bad so that we can feel better about ourselves. It's about the fact that we ourselves have experienced the amazing joy and indescribable peace that Christ's salvation has to offer. And we want everyone else to experience it as well. We want everyone to have the opportunity to find the hope that eternal life brings. We, as Christians, simply want everyone to know that they are loved even at their worst, because at our worst is where God met us with the cross. And so it’s something that we’ve experienced and we just want everyone else to find that kind of joyous, undeserved, and undeniable freedom.

So there is absolutely nothing personal about this pilgrimage that we're on in this place. We have been called to share God's truth and allow Him to work through our willingness in order to hopefully change hearts and save souls. But still, it's not going to be easy. It's not going to be comfortable. It's not going to lead to much peace or acceptance or popularity. But that's okay. God will do what He needs to be done. We just have to be the ones who go where He leads with hearts willing to do whatever needs to be done.

The truth of the matter is that we are in a fight. We are at war. And while many will unfortunately assume we're battling against them; in reality we're fighting against the evil in this place. And that's where the misunderstandings and confusion come into play. Evil and sin are things that infect the heart of a person. So whenever we speak against them, those who have hearts infected by wickedness will simply assume that we're against them. And as difficult and frustrating as that kind of assumption will make this journey, we have to always keep in mind that God is the only one who can work in the hearts of those we come into contact with. We just plant the seeds and hope they take root.

It's sort of this two-sided coin. On one side, we're to be gentle, humble, caring, kind, compassionate, and merciful to those who God places in our path. We're to love others and have hearts set on helping them find freedom from the weight of their guilt. And on the other side, we're to ferociously fight against the wickedness, call out the lies with courage and tenacity, and stand up to the vile practices that are controlling and confining the hearts of those around us. It may be a fine line, but it's a line nonetheless. And sadly, as we've discussed above, many will not see it that way. They'll not realize what we're doing or why we're doing it. But again, leave that part to God and simply keep doing what He's called you to do.

Friends, we have a lot of work to do, both in our lives and in this world we're living in. Sin is ruling this place, and the grip it has in our brothers and sisters, and maybe still even in us is something that we cannot ignore any longer. As in any war, there has to be a fierce loyalty to our calling and our mission and the One who has sent us out as His soldiers in this place. We have to stay focused on Christ and committed to what He is leading us to do. Because if we're not, then we're going to fail. And in this war, failure really does mean death eternal.

As Christians, we have struggle. Struggle against the sin that we still grapple with in our own lives. Struggle against the lies that people have believed that tell them we're against them or that we hate them or that we're standing in condemnation of them. Struggle against the ways that this place has set up to keep people lost and broken and controlled. Struggle against evil and wickedness and this gross illusion of freedom that many have found enjoyment in having. Struggle against things that are simply bigger than us.

But through it all, no matter the cost or the conflict, we have a responsibility to uphold. Sadly, some will take our work personally and hate us for doing it. Some will assume that we're trying to hurt their feelings when in reality we're simply trying to set them free from the chains of bondage that they can’t or won’t allow themselves to see. In truth, we really do want the absolute best for everyone, and we know that best is found in Christ's salvation and the freedom that only comes from admitting our sins and repenting of them before it's too late.

If you're on the outside of our faith, please don't take our sharing of the Gospel personally. Please don't see our sharing of the truth as some kind of personal attack against you as a person. Please don't take our lack of ability to abide sin as a lack of love or compassion or caring. Again, it may be a fine line, and at times we may stumble across it, but just know that we too are imperfect people trying our best to do something that matters with this message that we've found peace and hope and joy within. Please don't assume that we hate you as that's nowhere near the case. What we hate is the sin that is pulling you down and destroying your life and keeping you from experiencing the joyous light of salvation.

And to my fellow believers, this task we have is one of utmost importance. It will be met with confusion and misunderstanding. It will cause pain as sin doesn't like being confronted. It will bring strife and struggle and challenge, but come what may, our calling is one that we cannot continue to run away from fulfilling. The evil in this place isn't giving up. Sin will not fall from the popular priority that it has become. Wickedness will continue to be the status quo, and that's something that we simply cannot accept any longer.

So as Christians, let's get ourselves right. Address the sins and flaws and weaknesses that you have in your life, because where we're going, we can't have anything that can get in our way. And always keep in mind what it is that we're fighting against. It's the evil around us. It's the wicked ways in which many are trapped. It's the darkness that is luring people in and leaving them beaten and broken. It's the rulers who fail to uphold God's commands, the authorities who keep people beaten down with false hope, the powers of darkness that have people lost and confused, and the spiritual forces of evil that are at war with our King.

There's very little about the road ahead that will be easy or comfortable. We're going to face all sorts of challenging times and situations as we set our hearts on fulfilling a calling to do something that goes against the comfortable obliviousness that many are lost within. But as trying and tough and often even painful as this may become, it's worth every bit of strife we may face because it could very well mean the eternal hope of many.

Make no mistake, things get tricky in war, but thankfully we know how this one turns out. Keep yourself focused, steadfast, courageous, and most of all compassionate. Many don’t understand the love with which we’re called to live because that kind of love simply doesn’t exist in evil and immorality. But if we keep trying and keep doing so kindly and with grace and compassion, then we’ll slowly begin to make an impact that means something.

Always remember and please understand: We are at war against sin, not the souls who are lost within its lies.


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