Day 2747 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 8:13 NIV Do it now. That's been the basic consensus of our last few posts. We've talked a lot about that dreaded "d" word that most of humanity goes out of its way to avoid having to admit is a reality. But the fact of the matter is that death is in fact a part of each of our stories. There's no buying, begging, or bartering our way out of the fact that this earth will one day cease to be our home. Death is only scary because it has this sense of finality that weighs awfully heavy on the human mind. But when we look at what it's finalizing, we can maybe learn to see it as not the end but the start of something better. You see, to many death means the end of life. No more sunrises. No more parties. No more ice cream cones. Just a complete ceasing to exist. But that's the world's understanding of it. This place sells this lie that our lives in this place are all that matter. We're led to believe that these years we have on this globe are all w...