Day 2746 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 15:55 NIV

Why do we fear death? Is it because these lives are so amazing that we just don't want them to end? Is it because we're afraid that we'll never see our loved ones again? Maybe it's because we still have things we want to do and see and accomplish. Is it that we're trying everything we can to avoid the very idea of death knowing that we still have things we need to work on, change, and fix in our lives? Or could it be that deep down we know that we're not ready to face what comes next?

I have a hunch that most of the fear that humanity finds in the idea of death is because of that last point. It's fun to live as if we're free to do as we please. It's commonplace to tell our consciences to shut up and leave us alone so that we can run wild and live unhindered. It's enjoyable to play all the worldly games and lavish in all the selfish and sinful depravity that this place offers. But no matter how good we think we become at ignoring that tiny voice in our hearts trying to point out our mistakes, the reality is that we simply can't avoid that reality forever.

As we discussed in yesterday's post that was somewhat heavier than normal, one day we'll breathe a final breath and open our eyes to gaze upon the throne of our Creator. One day all this world and every ounce of these lives will be a fading memory that will simply no longer carry as much weight as we think they hold now. One day all of the things that our faith talks about will no longer be the distant ideas that they often seem to be. One day every promise will be fulfilled, both good and bad.

As much as it's fun and fairly easy to laugh at the idea of sin and the corresponding consequences that our mistakes deserve, deep down we all know there's a drastic different between right and wrong and that there has to be consequences for those who fail to acknowledge that difference and choose to not walk on the right side of it. There has to be justice, and while we may be able to avoid it in that justice in this these lives, we'll not be able to do so when we're standing before God.

And I honestly think that's where the fear of death comes in. People aren't ready to face the One that they've chosen to spend their lives ignoring. They're not willing to stop doing the foolish things they're doing because the fun and excitement they find within those lies is simply not something they're ready to lay down. And being so lost and tangled up in the ways of this world, many have yet to even consider the truth of our faith, let alone actually undergo the process of dying to self through repentance and seeking Christ through continued humility.

And sadly, that means that people don't have that rock solid faith and trust and hope in knowing that they're living right and following Christ and trying to deepen that relationship that bridges the gap between this world and the next. They're just lost in the world yet still unwilling to admit it. They're doing wrong but not willing to change. They're living as slaves to sin yet bound in this illusion of freedom that keeps them wallowing in that filth.

Truth is that if we really believe in the Gospel, truly trust in the salvation of Christ, and are living our lives seeking Him every single day then death isn't something to be feared, it's a release. It's our chance to leave these worldly struggles and pains and scars behind. Death isn't about a door closing but one opening unto a peace we could never manage to find down here amidst our time of struggle and strife. For the true believer, death isn't something be afraid of, it's something to excitedly anticipate because we know it brings the fulfillment of every good hope that we've long held within our hearts.

That's what I hope everyone understands and learns and comes to terms with regarding death. It can be either terrifying or peaceful. Death can invoke these feelings of dread and fear, or it can bring excitement and joy. The way those balances swing depends solely on our choice to either seek faith or to avoid it. For those who ignore Christ and live according to the lies of the lord of this age, death brings fear because we all know reality is unavoidable. But for those who daily strive to both know Christ and make Him known, death means nothing but our chance to finally meet the kind of love that would lay down His very life for us.

The fact is that death doesn't have to be this heavy idea that nobody wants to talk about. It doesn't have to be something that we live trying to avoid. In fact, death can be something that we in many ways look forward to during our lives in this dry and barren land. To many, that seems strange as death has long been given such a negative connotation in our society. But we have to look at it through the lens of our faith. Faith changes everything, even turning something we've long thought scary into something that we actually anticipate.

Friends, for those who are in Christ, our death is already finished. In John 11:26, Christ says that, "whoever lives by believing in me will never die." He took our death and overcame the power of the grave. He bore the sins that kept us on the wrong side of God's righteous judgement so that we could have the opportunity to live in Him rather than face the punishment we well deserve. Christ is our ticket not only through death but to life. He opened the door that death seems to be rendering that which was once our end powerless to hold us back from entering His presence.

I guess what I'm trying to say can be summed in this: Don't live a life that makes death something to fear. We're going to leave this world, but that doesn't have to be a sad or scary reality to behold. Through Jesus we have a chance to live unafraid of anything, even dying. Because in Him, there's only life eternal. So when we reach the end of this road, we have the promise from Him that it's in no way actually the end. It's only the beautiful beginning of a joy that's simply too amazing for words.

When you realize that faith can flip the script on the feelings of something as big as death, then it really helps us understand just how important our faith really is. And I don't know about you, but I think being able to live out the rest of our stay here unafraid of what comes next sounds like a far better way to go than living a life filled with fear. Please turn to Jesus and give yourself a chance to find a peace that even death can't take away.


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