Day 1933 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 3:14 NIV

Yesterday we discussed the importance of listening to the voices telling you that you can do better. It might not always feel good to hear that you can improve or may need to change some things. But no matter how badly the truth hurts at times, it's always for the best because it does make us better. We can't allow ourselves to adopt this settling mindset that is so popular in our world today.

There's always something to learn. Always something new to try. Always a different way of doing things that could be better than what we were convinced was already good enough. There's the rub. We've gotten it in our minds that good enough is good enough. Sure, there could be something better out there, but if what we have works okay, then why endure the arduous process of growing?

Fact is that there is something better out there. I understand that sin looks all fun and exciting. But we've played that game and we all know how it ends. Doesn't end in the peace and happiness that we think it will. It ends in us feeling guilty, ashamed, and broken. It doesn't bring anything good into our lives, it actually keeps everything good out.

What I'm getting at is don't just accept this mediocrity that feels all warm and cozy when there's something bigger and better waiting for you. Don't allow yourself to settle for a life of sin and shame when you have access to something so much better. Why accept something because it's okay or good enough when there's another option that is truly more amazing than you can imagine? Yes, it might be easier to just settle for what you have right now, but what if you miss something better?

I love this little message from Philippians because it reminds us that God didn't put us here to just coast. He didn't design us to just settle for whatever we happen to find easily. Faith isn't easy. Growth isn't painless. Change isn't for the faint of heart. But all of them are well worth the effort because they refine us. They forge us. They help us find our way to being the people that God made us to be.

Over the weekend I've been working on building a full blog for this little daily Bible verse thing. It's led me to a lot of thinking and brainstorming. And a lot of learning and work too. But there's this one thing that I've just kept having roll through my mind. It might make a difference. It might help someone. And that's kind of the point of the Gospel. We're all a part of something far bigger than anything this world can offer up. And we each have the chance to share this life-changing story with others. That's pretty big!

So don't forget that there's something bigger to be had than all this worldly stuff. Don't let yourself just coast through a life of decent and good enough because you're afraid of the effort it takes to improve. Don't buy this mindset that where you are, what you have, or what you're doing is all there is. There is always room to grow. There is always something new, something different.

As easy or comfortable as it may seem, settling only holds us back. We can't risk missing out on something amazing because we think we're okay as we are. We can't miss out on being a part of something huge because we're scared to go for it. Never settle. Never ignore the calling that God's given you. Never ignore that still small voice pulling to the life that He's written for you. Press on toward the prize that's ready and waiting for you. You will not want to miss it!


  1. Amen. We can not imagine the glory and the forever we have waiting for us. Keep going.

    1. Absolutely the truth! If we knew what He had in store for us, then we'd never doubt that it's going to be well worth whatever it takes to get there!!


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