Day 1935 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Joshua 23:8 NIV

I've been thinking a lot about holding tight to our faith. It's one of those things that is always important. But I think it's even more crucial when we're in the middle of crazy times like we find ourselves in lately. Faith is hope. It's this power that helps us continue to see the good even if we're surrounded by all kinds of bad. Faith is something that will never let us down, so we can never afford to let it become just one little aspect of our lives. It needs to be the foundation that everything else is built upon.

About halfway through leg day this afternoon I just thought of Lot out of nowhere. Have no idea where it came from, but that story of Lot and his family living in Sodom just really seems to fit perfectly with all that we're seeing in our world. I'm not saying that our society is as bad as Sodom was back then, wasn't there. But I think we can all agree that things are pretty rough. And let's face it, some of the things that people are doing and saying just aren't anywhere close to okay.

I'm sure you've read the story back in Genesis, but if not, I got you. Sodom and Gomorrah has become the epitome of the downfall of civilization. And God's basically fed up with the filth and immorality that He's seeing in this place. So He's done, made up His mind, just gonna take care of business. But Abraham tries to intercede for any possible decent people that may be there. So He asks God if He will hold back in the event that he's able to find any good in that city. They kind of go back and forth a while and finally settle on 10. If Abraham can find 10 people in the city who are good then He won't destroy the city. Spoiler alert, Abraham don't find 10.

But he does find Lot and tells him to take his family and get out of Dodge. So this man and his family is saved because of their faith and goodness. I just can't help but see the connection to what we're dealing with now. Things are bad. People are hurting. People are hurting one another. And in many ways, it seems to be getting worse. So we have to cling to God no matter what. Our faith is truly the most important thing we have in this life. And if you look at the story of Lot, it could very well save our lives.

Truth is that it will save our lives. Faith will never let us down because our faith is rooted in God, and we all know that He won't let us down. As I see it, God has gotten us through everything that we've ever faced up until now. And again, spoiler alert, He will get us through this season of chaos. We just need to hold on to Him and lean on the faith that we have in who He says He is.

Please don't allow your faith to be fractured just because this world is going nuts. Our faith has nothing to do with what goes on around us, thankfully! It's all about the One who has promised to lead us through whatever this twisted world can throw at us. That's why it's so important that we continue to cling to Him. This world and the things we face will do everything possible to instill doubt and fear. Hold on even tighter!

Folks, He will never take our faith in Him for granted. We know it isn't always easy to do what's right. And He knows full well that many just simply won't. That's why He will reward those who are willing and able to continue focusing on Him. Again, don't let all this stuff make you question Him or the faith that you've always had in His promises. He's got this, and He's got us. So please just hold on!


  1. Another good post. Good example also. We should not allow ourselves to be moved by the world. We have an immovable God. Father, help us remain and grow in faith everyday.

    1. Thank you! Just came out of nowhere, love how that happens sometimes! It's truly amazing to know that God is all we'll ever need because it helps us see that this world just doesn't have anything that we can't do without.


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