Day 1938 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Ephesians 4:27 NIV
“An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.” Goi Nasu. I heard that quote a long time ago and I really can't express how much I love it. It's one of those messages that every single person alive can benefit by learning.
My family and I had this interesting, or better yet eye-opening, experience yesterday. Someone we know shared what are apparently lyrics to a song, and we found ourselves trying to understand this kind of music that we definitely don't listen to. I honestly didn't know that there could be that many curse words in a song, and pretty sure I even heard some new ones that I didn't know about yet. I've apparently listened to almost nothing but Christian music so long that I've forgotten that other stuff is out there.
But it really hit me hard because I've been focused on living this life the way I've chosen to live it for so long that I've managed to miss out on some of this modern garbage that people pass off as entertainment. My daily life consists of mostly good things, or at least I'm trying as hard as I possibly can to make it so. So to hear this filth really just opened my eyes to just how messed up our world is.
It's really no surprise that there's so much anger and hatred out there. We often forget that the things we listen to, read, or watch really do have an impact on us. It might just be the newest popular thing, but that doesn't make it good. And it definitely doesn't mean that it helps us. But as with most of you, I've seen all the downfalls of our world recently, and hearing this song just made me realize that it's even worse than I thought it was!
Long story short, we're all totally surrounded by junk. We're bombarded with negativity right and left every single day. But what I'm getting at is that it doesn't have to bring us down. We don't have to let it into our lives. We don't have to succumb to the filth that this world accepts and often even celebrates. Takes me back to that quote. All this hatred, judgement, and darkness only sneaks in and starts messing us up when we let it. It can only pull us in the wrong direction if we allow it to enter our lives. Keep it out and it won't be able to inflict its horrible damage.
We have to always be on our guard because the devil has infiltrated our society to the point that everyone is being attacked without even realizing it. So we need to make sure that what we're allowing into our lives is making us better. And if it isn't, then we better get to work and clean stuff up. We just can't afford to let any filth remain in our lives because it will hold us back and keep us more messed up than we imagine. And we definitely can't let any more in, because let's face it, we've all got plenty to take care of as it is.
Don't give the devil a foothold. Don't give him an inch because he will take a mile, then another, then another until he's taken everything and left you lost and broken. Just be careful in this world because there's all kinds of nasty stuff just waiting to get into your life and do some damage. Don't let that happen. Stay alert because you never know the damage this worldly filth can do until it's already done it and you're left trying to figure out what went wrong.
Very good post. Be unsinkable. And with our Father and Savior we can be.
ReplyDeleteThank you, and Amen!! Nothing can get in and sink us when we're filled with the goodness of our Lord!