Day 1940 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
James 13:35 NIV
All of the sudden everyone around our country, and many others across the globe are in a mad dash to look like good people. Everyone's suddenly transfixed with proving that they care about others. So many people are doing and saying whatever it takes to make it seem like they're part of something good. Well, I don't really know why that's such a new thing in our world.
You want to be a good person? Want to show this world just how much you care about and appreciate other people. Want to feel like you're a part of something truly world-shaking? LOVE LIKE JESUS!!! Doesn't need to be hard, and certainly shouldn't be a new fad that we get involved in just because something bad happened. Loving others should be the very foundation of every single thing we say and do every single day.
Truth is that we are a part of something that can and will change lives. We're on a team that will overcome all the darkness and hatred in this world. We are torch-bearers carrying the light of salvation to the deepest darkest corners of this spinning ball of weirdness. You and I are given uncountable opportunities to love like Jesus does. But are we taking them and making the most of them?
I've looked around, listened, and seen all of this new madness spreading across our cities lately. It's often left me shocked, saddened, and wondering how we could possibly manage to fix everything that's been broken. Well, oddly enough the answer is rather simple. Actually it couldn't be more simple. Focus on just loving people with no questions or requirements. Put down our weapons, stop throwing stones, quit searching for ways to alienate and just start loving again.
When you think about how absolutely amazing the Gospel is, it's truly mind-blowing to think that He calls us to be a small part of it. It's amazing that you and I as plain and ordinary as we are can be a part of something so limitless. But we can, and if we truly want to make a positive difference in this world, well we need to be. The only thing that can fix our world and all the hearts that are broken and hurting in it is love. Pure, unselfish, unreserved love. So until we get back to loving like Jesus does, we're not gonna solve a thing.
Folks, it doesn't need to be hard. We don't need to search far and wide for some cause to join so that we feel like we matter once again. Don't need to jump on every bandwagon that gets started up around us to feel like we belong. We certainly don't need to twist and change who we are to go along with something because it seems to be winning at the moment. Why not jump on the team that is already guaranteed to win and overcome all this worldly nonsense?
The utopia everyone's looking for already exists, and its doors are open to everyone. So again I ask, do you want to be a part of something truly life-changing? If you do, just make the choice and commitment right this second to love others no matter what. Everyone's talking about being on the "winning side of history." Guess what, we already know who wins and He's always looking for new recruits to join His team. So let's try things His way for a change, because let's face it, what we're doing ain't working!
Love this. We already know who wins. Greatest victory ever and we are on his team, his children. But gotta drop the hate. It would be so nice if we all lived like Jesus lived, like our Father put us here to live.
ReplyDeleteAmen! Makes me think of one of Big Daddy Weave's songs, imagine what life would be like if we let Jesus live through you and me. We can do better, and we should all want to do better. He gave us Christ's example for a reason, about time we start aiming for it!