Day 1942 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Hebrews 10:26 NIV
We shared the peaceful promise of Christ's overcoming of this world. He's beaten everything that we can ever face in these lives. He did the hard work of exposing sin and showing the true consequences of living life chasing darkness. Now, it's on us. It's on us to change. It's up to us to get ourselves right. There are no more excuses, no possible reasons, nothing left but to change.
I woke up this morning with this idea on my mind: stop compromising. Each and every one of us knows the difference between right and wrong. We're fully and completely responsible for that knowledge. So every single time that we knowingly choose to do what's wrong instead of what's right, we're compromising. We're saying a little won't hurt. One more time won't make a difference. Everyone else is doing it too.
The excuses need to stop. A little bit of darkness is too much because it takes our focus off of the light of Christ. One more time will make a difference, because once quickly becomes twice and it just keeps snowballing. Doesn't matter what everyone else is doing, if they're doing wrong, it's wrong. We have to stop compromising and allowing a little sin to hang around because we're too weak to fix it.
And that right there is often what it boils down to in this fight. We're too weak to commit to change. We're too afraid of being different or heading a different direction than the world around us. We're too used to being comfortable and just doing what we've always done because it's easier. Again, the excuses have to stop. Excuses keep us from growing. They hold us back. They keep us where we are and completely prevent us from ever experiencing anything better.
This is our lives that we're talking about. This is our future. It's our hope. It's our joy. It's our peace. It's our self-worth. This is our eternity! It's not worth risking so many massive things just because the world's convinced us a little sin won't hurt. It will hurt. It will hurt more than we can imagine. It will hurt because it can and will keep us from an eternity of peace if we don't address it and make some changes.
I know that we always lean toward what's easy and comfortable. But when our lives are on the line, it just doesn't matter what's easy or comfortable. We all have things that we have to change in our lives. If you are doing anything that makes you feel dirty and ashamed afterwards, stop. Change. Fix things. Work on yourself. Actively seek ways to be better. We all have plenty that we do can to make ourselves better people and strengthen our walk with Christ.
As this verse points out as clearly as it gets, there's nothing left to clean up our mess. He showed us the cost of sin. He died to hammer that lesson home and push us to do better. There's nothing else He can do, it's on us from here. Stop compromising and just devote yourself to doing better. Look for the things you need to change and change them. Again, this is our lives, don't let sin tell you how to live them!
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