Day 1948 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Acts 3:19 NIV

Yesterday we talked a bit about how we all just need to let some things go if we're ever going to move on to the brighter future that we're hoping for. Well, I think we should take that thought a little further. Honestly, this is arguably the most important message of the Gospel. If we don't address and get rid of our sin, it will ruin us. Eternally.

It's often easy to kind of gloss over the severity of sin. Our world is totally consumed with doing as many bad things as we possibly can. It's almost like we've turned it into some race to see who can come up with the most disturbing, disgusting, and most vile stuff possible. We don't just accept sin in our world these days, we actually celebrate it in some ways. And friends, as easy or comfortable as it may be to just keep on letting things go thinking they're not that bad, it will only bring our destruction.

So if you didn't know, I guess this is the post to help you find out. Sin is wrong. Actually, it's worse than wrong. It's completely evil. It's the total lack of anything good or decent. It's absolutely void of anything close to moral or acceptable or helpful. Sin is dangerous, deadly in fact. And if we truly hope to reach the better option awaiting us after these lives are done, then sin has to be dealt with. Right now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now.

Here lately, seeing all of the things that are happening in our country, and around the world, it really makes you start thinking. I've seen more than a couple people post little articles about whether or not these are the end times. Don't know, but I think it's pretty clear that things aren't heading in the right direction. And at some point, God's patience with our stupidity and sinful ways will run out. When it does, we don't want to be on the wrong side of that wrath. See Sodom and Gomorrah.

I don't want anyone at all to risk missing out on an eternity of peace, joy, celebration, and every other good thing imaginable. I don't want anyone to have to endure the horrors that await those who reject Christ and His ways. He came to this earth to show us the very real cost and dangers of sin. He did so because He wants everyone to change, let go of the sinful nonsense, and accept His gift of salvation.

Please do not take this lightly. Are these the final days of this earth? Maybe, maybe not. But we're undoubtedly getting closer with each passing day. And at some point, that final grain of sand is gonna drop and the chances will be over. Do not risk being caught unprepared for the return of our King. He ain't gonna play around when He back this time. He's not going to wink at our sins. He won't listen to the excuses. Please take the time to get real with yourself and get right with Him before this mess gets any worse.

Contrary to what our world seems to think, sin isn't a game. It's not something to play around with. It's as dangerous as it gets. And like I said, if we don't address it, it will lead us to some pretty horrible consequences. Don't let that happen. Don't risk it. Just repent, turn around, and give Christ a chance to lead you to "times of refreshing."


  1. Not worth it. Plus not good. I would rather walk with Jesus and live the life God put me here to live. There is a peace that is beyond anything.

    1. Very well said! Anything in our lives that keeps us from peace and joy needs to go. Why spend our lives being miserable when we just don't have to?


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