Day 1950 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Timothy 2:4 NIV

Been talking about repentance for a couple of days. The whole point is that God just wants better for us. He often wants better for us than we even want for ourselves. That's why He sent Christ to do what we couldn't or wouldn't do for ourselves. We're the very definition of creatures of comfort. We like just doing what we've always done because we think it's easier than changing.

But who cares what's easy when it's a matter of life and death? That's exactly what sin really is, and we've covered that pretty well over the past couple of posts. So now that we know the very real cost of sin, we need to ask ourselves why we wouldn't want to change? If our sinful ways are pointing us straight at a really horrible end, why not turn around and go a different direction?

Again, that's exactly what God wants for us. He doesn't want anyone to perish. He doesn't want anyone to suffer. And He's given us all kinds of things that prove that fact. He sent Christ to wash our sins away and give us a new start. He gave us all this thing called a conscience that helps lead us to being better people. He's given us the Bible to help teach us and build us up in faith. He puts it in our hearts to seek Him instead of the filth of this world.

He also gives us all free will. And that's where we get tripped up. He won't force us to change. He won't force us to believe in Him. He won't force us to choose right over wrong. He gives us the freedom to choose for ourselves. So we need to take a good look at everything, lay it all out there, and figure out what and who we want to be. He won't do it for us, but He's ready and willing to help once we make that choice to do better.

If God didn't care about our sins, then Christ wouldn't have had to endure the cross. If He didn't care that we learned and grew in our faith, then the Bible wouldn't exist. Clearly He does care. It's perfectly evident that we can do better, that He wants us to do better, and that we have all the tools to make it happen. Question is do we want it for ourselves?

Well, we definitely should. As we've been talking, there's a pretty miserable fate awaiting those who are okay with living a life of sin. But we don't have to face that misery. We have the opportunity to head in a much better direction. But it's on us to change. God wants everyone to be saved, but that choice is ours. If we're willing to accept His offer, then our lives will undoubtedly change for the better. Again, why wouldn't we want that?

I get that repentance isn't easy. Many changes in life just aren't. It can be hard to walk away from everything we've known. But as I've been saying, if it makes us better then how could it not be worth it? Folks, take Him up on this life-changing offer. There's absolutely no reason to suffer when there's such a better option out there.


  1. Amen. When we walk away from things and walk towards him it's a life in a far better direction.

    1. Amen, perfectly said! We don't need any of this nonsense that the world tells us is so important. But we definitely need Him!


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