Day 1951 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 7:3 NIV

Most days it's amazing, and some it's even absolutely shocking how we just can't seem to learn from the past and start doing better. I know that our world is SERIOUSLY stuck in its ways, but folks we gotta do better than this. This is one of those messages that just keeps getting ignored. And no matter how truthful and important it is, it'll probably continue to be pushed aside.

The level of hypocrisy knows no bounds in this place. People are always ready to point out the flaws or weaknesses in others. It's like we get some kind of morbid satisfaction in letting others know that they're not perfect and that we've seen their problems. How that's supposed to help anyone I have no idea, but it's something that our world just loves doing. Guess it's easier to put others down than to realize we're pretty low on the righteousness ladder ourselves.

You'd think that we'd eventually get to the point where we realized that we have more than enough problems in our own lives that need our attention. I just keep hoping that humility will revive and help us learn that we have so many issues ourselves that we have no ground to judge others. But alas, guess we'll just have to keep hoping and trying to lead by example as best we can.

I think it's because people like being comfortable in their sins and problems. It's so much easier to keep messing up and living under the control of evil and darkness than to change and try to do better. So I guess we've gotten this idea that if we can drag others down far enough, then we won't have to feel bad or ashamed of our own problems. Maybe if we can point out enough issues and flaws in the lives of others, well then ours wouldn't seem so bad anymore.

Doesn't really work that way, but I reckon that it's one of those convenient tools that the devil's devised to keep folks lost and stumbling in their mistakes. The fact is that everyone has problems, but they're between them and God. And last I checked, we ain't God. He's the only One that has any right to judge anyone. Whenever we take it upon ourselves to do His job for Him, then we're kind of saying that we think we know as good or even better than He does.

Dangerous ground right there! What we ought to be focused on is our own walk, our own lives, our own problems. Those we can do something about. Those things we can work on and try to change and improve. Let's face it, we've got plenty to work on, and we need as much time to do it as we can get. Definitely don't have enough time to be judging anyone else for anything. We need that time and effort to fix ourselves.

I'm just gonna come out and say it as plainly as I can, we gotta stop being jerks. The world has plenty of that already, and we don't need to add to the mess. Focus on yourself. Work on your own life. Fix the problems that you have to work on. We just can't get so busy looking for the sins of others that we forget that we have plenty of our own to be working on.


  1. Very powerful verse and post. I for one am guilty of this, guess most people are. Maybe people just do not want to see their faults so it's easier to look for others. Be real, honest and humble. Noone is perfect but God already knows that. Be the person that will make him proud of us.

    1. Thank you!! I know I'm definitely guilty of it too! Nobody likes that feeling of guilt and shame, so if we can find flaws in other people, then we can convince ourselves that we're not that bad. What really matters is working to make ourselves better so that we can serve God better. He will take care of the judging part, so we can focus on the duty of sharing His message with others.


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