Day 1952 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV

Talked yesterday about the needless amount of hypocrisy in our world. I guess what I don't understand is how we're supposed to help others up by pushing them down. That's never made sense to me. After all, we're here to help others find Christ and work together to share Him with this world. Awfully hard to do that when all we're worried about is finding the flaws in those around us.

I've heard a lot of talk here lately about how we're better together. Unfortunately, it seems like mostly talk in light of the current issues we're dealing with. Now I personally completely believe that we are in fact better together. We're able to lean on each other and encourage one another. We're stronger when we're working together toward a common good. But it has to be more than talk. It's easy to say that we're better together, but until we actually come together and work together, then we ain't gonna fix anything.

There's a lot of division in our country right now. It's always been that way, but it seems even worse than normal lately. So much fighting and arguing. So many people pointing out how others are wrong and messed up. All kinds of name calling, side picking, stone throwing, and plenty of other less than helpful things. Granted, there are problems that need to be addressed. But just don't see how we're getting closer to fixing them by bringing more nonsense and negativity to the table.

As I said above, it's hard to make things better by pushing others down. If we really want better, then we should just work together to make it happen. Yelling about stuff, bringing up past mistakes, and refusing to seek a middle ground won't help a bit. Only when we set aside things that don't matter, focus on working together, and using Christ's love as unifying force that it is will we ever make a difference.

We all know we have problems, there's no arguing that. But constantly holding those issues against one another will only keep us all locked in these chains of judgement and hatred. We need to switch our focus back to being good to one another. Let the judgement go. Stop beating people over the head with their weaknesses and mistakes. Quit looking for more problems that we have with one another and just start looking for ways to come back together.

We are stronger together, but we'll never realize that if we allow ourselves to stay divided and angry. As this verse is asking us, encourage one another. Help one another. Support one another. That's the only thing that will ever help us get better. The only time we should ever look down on someone is if we're reaching out our hand to help them back up!


  1. Very much needed all the time. There is only so much time to reach everyone. We should make every minute count.

    1. Amen, and awesome point! Any time spent doing anything other than helping others get better and find Christ is wasted, and we don't get it back.


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