Day 1953 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Matthew 12:34 NIV
We talked yesterday about how we're all here to help make one another better, not stand in judgement or let petty nonsense keep us from making a difference. I saw this one earlier today and thought it fit pretty well. Hopefully we're all aware of the power of our tongues. Hopefully we understand the ability to build someone up or completely tear them down with nothing but our words. If not, hopefully this post will help.
I love the second part of this verse because it's about as true as it gets. Our words are a direct reflection of our heart. What we say is a way of communicating what we feel or think. And those messages are heard. I think that can be the part that is easy to forget. We often just say things without considering them. We just blurt them out there and don't ever consider the impact they're going to have.
It can only go one of two main directions. They help or they hurt. They build up or they pull down. They encourage or they discourage. The share love or hatred. They either make those who hear them better or they inflict more pain. That's why we have to always be sure that our words are truly reflecting what is in our hearts. But that's just the first part of this whole thing.
If we really mean the words we say but they're just mean and hurtful, then we clearly have some major work to do. If we don't care that we hurt other people then we've got some darkness living inside of us that needs to be addressed. We don't, or at least shouldn't, want to be like the "brood of vipers" that this verse mentions. We don't want to be those people who are ready to just inflict pain or bring someone down just because we can. That's not at all who God created us to be.
It's the exact opposite of who He needs us to be. This world is messed up and hurting, and you and I have the light of Christ living inside of us. We are each overflowing with this limitless love from our Heavenly Father. He loves us so that we can learn and know how to love others. So it's pretty clear that He wants us to love one another. He needs us to be good to each other because this world often isn't. We don't need to add more pain, negativity, or nonsense to the lives of people who are already dealing with plenty of them.
We can, should, and need to make a difference. A positive difference. We each have countless chances to share God's light and love with others, and that's exactly what's needed. Friends, our lives are full of love and goodness. We're surrounded by beautiful blessings every single day. Share that goodness with others. Don't bring people down, that only shows the world that you're a jerk who doesn't care. I truly hope that isn't who anyone wants to be. I know it's definitely not who God wants us to be.
There's a lot of hurting in our world. Why not do something to make things a little better? Why not take advantage of those chances that God gives us to lift others up? Why not use our words to help make a positive impact in this place? I think you'd be amazed what a kind message can do. And if we share enough of them, we just might make this world a better place after all!
As you always say, "We may be the only Bible some ever read" we may only have a second to show Jesus through us.
ReplyDeleteYep, too much on the line to be mean and nasty to people. It is amazing to think that we could very well do or say something that helps someone else in such a huge way. Definitely worth trying!