Day 1955 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 19:55 NIV

Jamming to a little Jordan Feliz during my disaster of a chest day yesterday, and his song Your Great Hands just really stuck with me all day. That's always been one of my absolute favorite songs, and I'll drop a link below so you can go check it out. But one part of it says, "This goes against my every instinct, to loosen my grip and let go. But really all that I am risking is perfect peace in my soul." How accurate it that?

We've all felt that kind of sticking point in our faith. We know that we can't handle whatever it is that we're facing by ourselves. But as usual, our pride gets in our way and can keep us from letting go and asking for help. We've been told that we have to do everything by ourselves and not expect anyone's help. And when you hear something enough, you're just gonna start believing it.

So it's become our instinct to hold on, keep trying, wear ourselves out trying to do it alone. We get this rush from the idea of being able to do something by ourselves and that pride will keep us from getting the help we really need. Gotta let that idea go. God's not only able to help us, He's ready and waiting for us to simply ask Him. As we've kind of been talking, He knows that we all struggle. He's seen our sins and mistakes. He knows the thoughts that keep racing through our minds. Most of all, He knows that there's just no way we can get through life without help.

While it might seem scary to let go and give up the control we think we have, it's absolutely for the best when it helps us put our trust in God. We can trust in ourselves for as long as we'd like. We can remain stubborn and refuse to ask for help. We can stay adamant to do it our way and figure it out for ourselves. Or we can skip all the misery and let downs that inevitably come with that kind of prideful living.

It isn't easy to trust, I get that. I think everyone gets that. While we really don't have much control in life, we find peace thinking that we do. So to give up that peaceful lie that we have it all under control is scary. But we need to look at Who we get to place that trust in once we let go. God will never let us down. He never has and He never will. He will always be there for us, and He will always have our best interests in mind.

We can trust Him with absolutely everything. We don't have to wear ourselves out trying to do it alone. Once we finally get that through our heads, then we actually find the peace we're hoping to find in life. Peace isn't found in the pride of doing everything on our own. It's found in trusting God to lead us through everything we will ever face. After all, we can only get so far under our own steam. So why not trust in Him and let Him guide us to things we'd never dream of?

Friends, as I've said in plenty of posts, I don't know what you're facing right now. But I do know that everyone is carrying something. Please don't think it's all on you. We can hand it over to a God that truly loves us and is waiting to help with whatever we're dealing with. Give it to God and know that He will absolutely make sure it will all work out just as it should. Why let ourselves be crushed under the often heavy weight of life? Skip all that and just leave with the One who can and will take care of it!


  1. First off, Amen. Let go and let God. And I really like the addition of a link to some good music. Good directions are needed in this world.

    1. Thank you!! You know I love me some good music, and if I can share some new stuff for others to find out about, then why not? We need as much good as we can get these days!


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