Day 1961 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 5:20 NIV

Most days I go back real quick and see what I'd posted the day before to see if there's more to say or another verse that it makes me think of. So I opened up Instagram and saw that I'd only gotten 2 likes on my post yesterday. And one of them was my Dad. That instantly bothered me a little bit. Only 2 people? But then I immediately thought of the shepherd leaving the 99 to rescue the one that got lost.

How common is it to get caught up in the numbers? In this new social media world, it's all about the numbers. We all crave that instant feedback. We want to feel that gratification of reaching the masses. And when it doesn't happen, then we get all upset and wonder why. That desire to have millions of followers and this massive outreach is something that has become a pretty big distraction.

So when I realized that I was actually bothered by such a petty thing, I remembered that's not the point. That's not why I'm doing this. That's not why I've posted a verse every single day for over 5 years. I'm not doing it for fame. Not doing it to be popular. Not doing it to feed my ego with a million likes and more shares than I can keep up with. All of that has absolutely nothing to do with this mission that I'm on.

It's about taking advantage of the opportunity to help Christ reach just one person. If we can help Him reach out and save one person's soul for all eternity, then we've done something massive. If we can help Him change one life like He's changed ours, then we've made a true difference. We can't get so focused on the numbers that we lose sight of the purpose. If we do, then we're likely to give up because let's face it, some things we do just won't be popular.

Now don't get me wrong, If God sees fit to use this little daily Bible verse thing to reach a million people, then I'd obviously be thankful to be a part of something so extraordinary. But even if I only manage to reach one person and get them to open up and give their life to Jesus, then is that any less amazing? Not at all. A life saved from the punishment awaiting sinners is something to truly celebrate.

In this modern world of seeking fame and recognition, we have to remember that it's not the numbers that matter. It's what those numbers represent. It's the impact that we're able to have in our world. So even if we just impact one life for the better, then we've done something to be proud of. We can't gauge our impact based on numbers. Again, one life saved is something amazing.

So friends, ditch this fascination with statistics. The numbers don't matter anywhere nearly as much as what we're trying to accomplish. Having a desire to see a huge impact will only set us up to be disappointed. But if we stay focused on just trying to reach one person, then we'll never feel like stopping because that very next post, that next conversation, that next prayer may just be the one that finds the mark and points one person to their Savior.


  1. Your post may very well be Church and Bible study for someone that day. Never let the world around us make an impact on us. Our God is bigger. We are here for a purpose and we shall be proud to do our best.

    1. Exactly, this is all so much bigger than us. Sad that it's so easy and common to get lost in the numbers or feedback. As long as we're doing what we can and refuse to give up, then we're doing pretty good!


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