Day 1967 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 36:16 NIV

Read this one last night and I was just amazed by how this kind of thing is still going on. So many things and people in this world tell us that they have exactly what we're looking for. Sin promises that if we just follow it then it will lead us to everything we could ever want. It promises fun and excitement. It tells us about all the satisfaction that we'll feel. But no matter what lies it tells us, it just can't fulfill the promises that it offers.

That's the scary power of lies. Their only purpose is to keep us held back. They keep us relying on them because eventually we'll get to the point where we're scared of the truth. We can become so used to following and believing lies that we may not even realize that we're being led astray anymore. We just keep allowing ourselves to believe that all the great things that sin has promises are right around the corner.

But they aren't. They're not right around the corner. We're not getting closer to the joy and satisfaction that it promise us. That's because it;s not there. There is no peace or happiness in sin. There is no joyful fulfillment in living lost in the darkness. It's nothing but a maze of lies, damage, pain, and hopelessness. Sin can't offer us anything good because there is nothing good in it. Sin is completely void of anything even close to good.

You almost can't help but be amazed at the effectiveness of sin's lies. How many times have we fallen for them? How many times have we allowed that desire for selfish things to determine our choices for us? How many wrong paths have we all walked looking for the sense of satisfaction that sin told us was there? It's happened to all of us countless times. But thankfully, there's one thing more powerful than sin's lies.

That's God's promises. Sin tells us that it has all of these great things to offer. But no matter how many times we've fallen for it, it's never fulfilled those offers. It's never given us anything that it said it would. But God, He fulfills every single promise that He makes. He may not promise all the twisted and selfish excitement that sin claims to, but He does promise a lasting peace and joy that is better than anything we could ever hope for.

I guess what I'm getting at is that we need to stop falling for the lies. We need to stop buying the nonsense that sin is selling us. It only lets us down. Every single time. But God never has and He never will. He's never failed to fulfill a single promise. And best yet, He knows exactly what's best for us, and He wants what's best for us. Sin wants to lead us away from Him and His goodness. But God just wants to lead us to Himself where we'll find every good thing possible.

So friends, don't listen to the lies anymore. The darkness of this world will always try to make itself look appealing so it can draw people in and break them apart. Please don't get caught up in the nonsense. Sin has nothing good to offer, so don't think that you're gonna find something worth having by following it's broken paths. Just focus on listening to God's promises. Sure, the worldly junk might be made to sound better, but it can't possibly come close to what God has in store. Cling to Him always and the grip of sin won't be able to lead you astray anymore.


  1. Okay you totally amazed me. There’s a new level of depth from my understanding of this verse. It seems that when we choose to follow truth, our riches are greater than we could ever imagine. Why cover the truth when it’s beauty is beyond anything lies could ever grant? Thank you for helping me reach deeper understanding of these verses!

    1. Thank you! I know it may be considered slightly out of context, but I think the same truth applies. Here, the messengers are telling the people that they have all these things to give them, trying to get the people to give up and stop fighting back. In my mind, sin does the exact same thing. It tries to get us to give in by offering all these exciting things that most of us want. But in the end, it's just lies meant to distract us and get us to let our guards down so that it can get in and mess us up.

  2. Really am loving your blog. Thanks for doing it.

    1. Thank you so much, and thanks for always reading and sharing and everything! Can't tell you how much it means!


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