Day 1968 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 5:8 NIV

I was in the middle of getting back on track with my workouts after just feeling off for a couple of weeks, and I had something hit me out of the blue. We have nothing to offer God. We have nothing that He needs because He has no needs. All of us are far too imperfect and weak to be able to think we could earn His love and grace. We simply have nothing to offer Him.

There's this amazing humility in that. There's this incredible sense of thankfulness and appreciation. Knowing that I can't offer God anything, yet He still loves me. He still loves all of us. Even though we're as broken and lost as we often are, He still loves us. I guess it's just mind-blowing to think that all of our past mistakes, all of our flaws, all of the things that we lack have never disqualified us from His salvation.

In fact, He came for us. He chose us while we were still at our worst! He looked down from Heaven, saw all us messed up people, and chose to come help us find a better way to live. Honestly, if that doesn't make you feel amazingly blessed, then I don't know what to say. It's just such a beautiful thought!

We are so often led to feel worthless and broken beyond repair. The world around us likes to always remind us of our mistakes and issues. And I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we've bought it. At times in our lives, we've fallen for that message. We've accepted the idea that maybe we're not the effort. Maybe we're not good enough. Maybe we'll never be worth anything.

What's the cross for? What is the point of the Bible? What does the times of amazing healing and change that we've all experienced tell us? THAT WE ARE WORTH IT!!! We are worth it to Him. Even though we're not perfect. Even though we've made so many mistakes. Even though we have nothing of value to offer a God who has no needs. But simply because He has chosen to love us no matter what!

We have to stop this idea that we need to earn a relationship with Him. We need to quit believing that we need to earn His love through perfection or sacrifice or whatever other means. We simply need to understand that God's love is bigger than us. His mercy is bigger than our ability to screw things up. His kindness is bigger than our pasts. So we don't need to try and figure out something to give Him in return for His salvation. We just need to realize that it's a free gift from Him to us.

Friends, we will never deserve His love. We will never be able to earn His gift of freedom. We will never be able to measure up to what Christ did for us on that cross. As humbling as it is, we just don't have anything to offer Him, and that's okay. He just wants us. He simply wants our hearts. He did it all for a chance to help us see clearly that He has a better plan for our lives. Take that and run with it! Stop trying to figure out what you can do to pay Him back and just realize that He simply wants your surrender.


  1. Good post. We truly have nothing he needs and we on our own doing can not make it to Heaven. We have failed. But the good news is that we don't have to be good enough. Our Father already is.

    1. Amen!! He's everything we're not, and that's an amazing thing!


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