Day 1970 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 3:16 NIV

The world we live in really likes to try to define us. It wants to group us up into these weird little groups. It's always ready to point out our flaws and our differences. It'll do whatever it can to make us believe that we're defined by something that it can control. Because then, it can better control us. But the truth is that we're defined by God's love and nothing less.

We're often told that our mistakes tell the world who we are. They're always held against us so that we're always sure to remember that we're not perfect. Thing is that we already know that. We know we're not perfect. And even more, we know that our mistakes don't tell the full story. They only tell us who we're not, and they help refine who we're made to be.

We also hear that we're defined by what we have. If you have a bunch of fancy stuff, then you must be important. If you have a nice sounding title at work, then you're successful. If you have everything that this world deems valuable, then you're rich. But again, we know that there is far more to life than money or possessions. And we know that there are other ways to be rich than a bank account.

We're deemed acceptable by what we say or do. If we go with the flow and do what everyone else is doing, then we're likable. If we tell people what they want to hear, then they want us around to puff up their ego. If we just choose to blend in, then nobody has a problem with us. But hopefully we all know that's not what we're here for. We're not called to be like this world, but to live our lives in a way that shows the world that there's something better.

What I'm getting at is that our world has taken it upon itself to tell us who we are. We're black or white. We're republicans or democrats. We're Americans or Asians. We're rich or poor. We're successful or worthless. We're famous or forgotten. We're valuable or not worthy of being loved. The list could go on and on. But the point is that our world likes trying to define us so that it can hold us down and keep us all divided up.

The truth is that we're defined by what's inside us. The Holy Spirit makes us who we are. God's love and forgiveness is our story. Our unique abilities and experiences help us stand out and reach this world in countless ways. We can't let this world tell us who we are because then we'll forget that God made us and put us here to make a difference. We'll forget that God gave us His Spirit to lead us where He needs us to do what He needs us to do.

So friends, stop listening to the world tell you what you are or are not. You are God's child. You are not only valuable, you're priceless! You're not only worthy, you're loved more than you know. You're not only important, you're the only person in history that can live the life and complete the task that God put you here for. I'm begging you to never forget that! This world cannot define us because God already has. Just don't give this messed up place a power that it just doesn't deserve!


  1. So many good comments in this: we are not to be of this world, do not be defined by the world, "God's love and forgiveness is our story. Our unique abilities and experiences help us stand out and reach this world in countless ways." What a way to think about it. We are here to tell the world about God and he sent his son Jesus to save us. He gives us all the abilities to do that. But we are all different and should be.

    1. Thank you, and exactly! We all have so many different ways and opportunities to help Him make a difference. We just need to stop forgetting that He's with us and just waiting to use for something amazing!


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