Day 1972 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 42:8 NIV

Had three verses stick with me last night during my reading, gotta love when so many things grab you that you have to make notes! We talked yesterday about how all of this worldly stuff that so many are focused on is nothing but a distraction from what really matters. It's all just a bunch of man-made nonsense that keeps our attention on things that have no value whatsoever.

The thing that we need to always, and I mean ALWAYS, remember is that the Lord is God. He is the only God. He is the only Father. He is the only Creator. He is the only Savior. He is everything. Nothing else can ever lay claim to any of His titles, and nothing can ever deserve the honor and praise that He is due. So all of this other stuff is only there to trip us up and get our priorities all out of whack.

We need to always remember this because it shows just how wrong it is to bow down and worship anything else. As I said, God is the only one that truly deserves our praise and worship. All the time that we spend chasing other things is time that we should be honoring God and ensuring that He is our sole focus in these lives. Anything else that creeps in and steals our attention is only going to set us up to wind up lost and broken.

Long story short, we're fooling ourselves if we think anything in this world can make us happy or give us all the blessings that God does. As this verse is blatantly reminding us, He's not going to let anything else become as important in our lives as He is. We shouldn't either. We can't allow anything to take His place in our lives. We can't let anything else become a bigger priority to us than He is. If we do, then we're wrong. Simple as that!

He is our Father, our Lord, and the only one that there is. Our relationship with Him is as crucially important as it gets. So don't let anything become bigger to you than that. Don't let all this worldly stuff take your focus and attention off of Him. Don't offer your praise and appreciation to things that have no value, no power, and no love for us.

Distractions happen, but they cannot become these long-term things that eventually alter the course of our lives. No matter what has stolen your attention, take it back and put it where it belongs. Again, nothing can ever do for us what He already has. And nothing can ever love us like He does. Makes it pretty easy to see that He does and always will deserve every bit of honor and praise that we have to give.


  1. There is nothing greater than our Father, nothing greater than God. Good message, we need to be careful not to stray from him, to give him our time, thoughts, prayer, love and praise. He gave us out lives and our hope and a home in Heaven.

    1. Amen! So many other things only take away from what we need to be giving Him! He's given us everything, so we should respect Him above everything else!


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