Day 1973 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 42:20 NIV

This is another one that really stuck out to me the other night, and think it goes pretty well with what we've been discussing. There's so much junk that this world is trying to pass off as important or valuable. Seems like there's always something new to see, something new to try. There's always some new and exciting way to sin that the world is just overcome with. But no matter what, we need to realize that it's just a well made distraction.

While we're all focused on this world and all the messed up stuff that it offers, we don't even realize that we're being led away from our Father and the things that actually do matter. And when we inevitably end up lost in the mess, then anger and confusion set in. We start wondering where God went. Where is this Father who's supposed to be control and have all these amazing plans for us?

He didn't move, we did. We're the ones that took off following the broken roads of this world. We're the ones that allowed ourselves to become distracted by things that don't matter. We're the ones that bought the lies that the world has something amazing to offer us. We're the ones that left His side and took off in another direction looking for all this pleasure and satisfaction.

It's no wonder that we can't see Him when our eyes are glued to worldly nonsense. We can't hear Him when we're listening to the lies of the world. We can't see the things that He's doing in our lives because we're more worried about fulfilling our own selfish desires. To sum it up, we're the ones that are lost, not God. He didn't stop talking, we just stopped listening to Him. He didn't walk away, He simply allowed us the freewill to choose to try something else.

He has and will never give up on us or the plans He has for our lives. We just need to finally get tired of all the running around trying to find something good in a pretty broken place. We need to get to the point where we realize that this world can't give us anything close to what He freely does. Gotta hit rock bottom to finally understand that He is our Rock.

Friends, God is working in all of our lives. He is unfolding these beautiful stories written just for us every single day. He is healing what's been hurt. He's pulling us back up after we've been knocked down. He's blessing us with gifts so much better than we could ever deserve. But that's all so easy to miss when we're blinded by worldly desires and chasing sinful nonsense.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss what He's doing. I don't want to miss a second of it. This world might claim that it has all these awesome things for us to see and experience. But I promise you that it has nothing on what God's doing right now. So stop missing what He's doing in your life! Stop listening to other stuff while wondering why God's not speaking. He's always speaking, always working, always loving. It's up to us to make Him the main priority in our lives. If we can do that, then we will see some incredible things unfold in our lives. Don't miss it!


  1. He didn't move, we did. Wow how true. It is always us, he will never leave us or forsake us. He wants us to come home to him, walk with Jesus and put God above and beyond everything in our lives. If we don't how can we expect to know him.

    1. Exactly! A relationship with Him is as crucially important as it gets. But unless we stop running away from Him and start running toward Him, we'll never experience the peace and love that He offers us!


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