Day 1974 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Proverbs 19:2 NIV
In yesterday's post I talked about how it wasn't God who had moved, but it was us. The fact is that we haven't only moved away from His side and His plans, but we've ran as fast in the other direction as possible. We've all looked around at all this shiny worldly stuff and just become fascinated by it all. We've bought the lie that we need it in order to be happy and find peace in life. So we've ran away from God to chase after far more selfish things.
Sadly, we've gotten it in our minds that we know what we want, what we need. And while that's definitely not the truth, who wants to sit around and think that we're wrong? Nobody wants to entertain the idea that we've taken a wrong turn in life, let alone followed that wrong road for far too long. We just keep our eyes fixed on all these things that we just know will make us happy once we finally catch them.
Truth is my friends that the road to the happiness and peace that we're looking for isn't hard to find. We just always run right past it while we're rushing after the next exciting thing that the world is offering up. Fact is that our sinful and selfish desires just have this way of speaking louder and standing out more than God's plans. Maybe the appeal just seems stronger, or this idea that everyone else is going after them too makes them more interesting.
Whatever the case may be, we've missed the path to the joy we're looking for because it's not found while looking to satisfy our selfishness. It's not in fulfilling all the worldly desires that we've accepted to be important or valuable. True fulfillment will never be found in being like the world. It's not going to come when we finally get everything we could possibly want. No, true and lasting fulfillment will only be found when we slow down, realize we're heading the wrong direction, and turn back to the Father we left standing there years ago.
I firmly believe that God's plans for us are so far above and beyond anything we could find or do without Him. He does know what's best for us, and whether or not we'll admit it, we never will. That's not a bad thing. It's okay to trust God's will, in fact that's the very thing we all need to be doing. All this time getting lost along the broken paths and dark alleys of this twisted world only takes us further and further from the love that only God can offer us.
We can't get so focused on all the worldly things that we need that we waste our lives searching this world for them. The fact is that God has always provided our every need. He has given us blessings and experiences that we'd never find without Him. He's written these one-of-a-kind stories that only we get to live out. I just don't want to miss any of what He has planned because I'm in a hurry to be let down by the world around me yet again. I don't want that for anyone!
Please stop chasing the world. Stop chasing the selfish things that you're just positive will make you happy. Stop believing that this world has something to give you that's better than what God offers. Slow down. Appreciate the little gifts and every single day that God gives. Turn around if you're stuck on this path that just keeps letting you down. We'll get so much further if we run back to God than if we keep running with the world. We just can't miss the path that He's paved for us to walk because we're running after something else. Don't risk missing His way, because His plans will blow your mind!
Narrow is the gate. But we have to be looking for it, searching his way and walk with Jesus. Not the world. We are called to be not of this world. We should slow down and listen, wait and be faithful.
ReplyDeleteAmen, seriously well said! If we aren't patient enough to trust in His way, then we're going to run straight into some massive issues in life!