Day 1975 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 2:4 NIV

Been talking quite a bit about how our selfishness can quickly lead us in the wrong direction. Truth is that anything that takes our focus and attention off of God and His plans for us is only going to mess us up. I've had this one on my mind for probably near a month. And since I haven't been able to forget it, I reckon that's a pretty good sign that I need to share it.

I can say with all honesty that this is an idea that I'd never once considered up until very recently. Within the past couple of months I've found myself having a crush. I know as a 32 year guy, that might sound kind of goofy, but I'm cool with that. It's been a pretty exciting and relatively new thing for me. I haven't really had a crush in a very long time, so it's been different. That's a whole other post though! But that's where this one is coming from.

For so long I've thought about and considered what I would like to find in someone else. I think we all do that. We dream of our perfect soulmate. But I think we never even consider their side of the equation. We think so much about what we want, what we prefer, what we hope to find someday. But are we putting that kind of effort into making ourselves what someone else is hoping to find? Are we ever concerned about what we have to offer someone else?

Again, never remember even considering that before. Am
I the kind of person that someone else would be excited to find? Am I working to improve myself so that I can be better for those around me? Those are all important questions, but they're summed up pretty easily. Am I only focused on what others can offer me, or am I putting as much if not more focus on what I can offer others? That's the key to so many things in life!

This world is constantly consumed with self. What can someone else give us? What can they do for us? Are they everything that I want? Am I getting my own desires met? But how often do we consider what we're doing for others? Truth is that it's not even close! I think it's pretty safe to say that the vast majority of our attention is placed on what's in it for us. And it shouldn't be that way!

So as I've taken this new idea and thought it over so many times recently, I've found myself less worried about what this world or anyone in it can offer me. I've never considered myself a selfish person, but I think it's something that we can always do better on. And I've really noticed that ever since this idea popped in my mind. What can I offer someone else? What do I have to give? Are my words, thoughts, and actions only about me? Or am I working to open up even more and find new ways to be better at giving?

When you really think about it, very few things in life are about us. Sadly, this broken world doesn't teach us to think that way. But it's the truth. If we spent as much time looking for ways meet the needs of others, then we wouldn't have as much time to sit around and be selfish. And if we were all working to be more giving, more kind, and more understanding of those around us, then this world would definitely be a pretty nice place.

I honestly just can't stand selfishness. It's one of those things that has just always rubbed me wrong. And as I get older, it's only getting worse! Having our hopes, dreams, goals, and plans are great. But if they consume our every thought to the point that we can't even consider anyone else, then there's a problem. Again, life's just not about us or what others can give us. Maybe we should be a little more worried about what we can give and what we can do for others.


  1. Amen. We are a small part of a big family, the children of God. If we love one another how can we be selfish.

    1. Truly well said! It's all just bigger than us, and so focusing on ourselves is only going to limit the impact that we can have for God!


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