Day 1976 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 42:7 NIV

Talked a little bit yesterday about selfishness. It's easy to get consumed with what we want in life and from those around us. But as I kindly tried to remind everyone, life's not about us. Just one of those little stinging truths that is so easy to forget. We're here for more than looking after our own interests and desires. We're here for a LOT more than that. We just can't afford to ignore it anymore.

It's about time that we start reaching beyond the limits of our own lives and helping God touch the lives of those who are still lost out there. Reading through Isaiah for several days now, and this is one that stuck with me from a couple nights ago. God's talking about His plans to use His people for good. Quite a bit of the book talks about God fulfilling His plans, and how He is going to use others to get the job done.

I think we forget that we each have a chance to be a part of God's amazing plans. Maybe we think we're just too weak or insignificant. Maybe we've bought the lie that our sins and mistakes have disqualified us. Or maybe we're just too far down that road of selfishness. Whatever the case may be, it's just easy to forget that God really can use us for amazing things. If we let Him.

That's often the sticking point in things. We have to humble ourselves to His authority. We need to submit to His plans. We need to understand that His ideas are bigger and better than our will ever be. Again, living a life of selfishness only limits us to what we want or what we can do for ourselves. But when we ditch that greedy way of thinking, then we really can be a piece of a truly beautiful puzzle.

As this verse is pointing out, we're here for more than ordinary. We're here for more than some kind of tiny definition of worldly accomplishment. We're here to help God reach out and save others. We're here to use the opportunities He gives us to make a difference. Why in the world would we ever think anything else could be more important? Does it get more amazing than possibly being able to help Him save someone's soul for eternity?

No, it really doesn't. It's without a doubt one of the most incredible opportunities that we could ever hope for. And what's crazy is that there aren't any requirements other than a loving heart and a humble spirit. Friends, God can and will use you to really make an impact. I don't really care what this world thinks you're capable of. If we're brave enough to step beyond the boundaries of self, then He will do awesome things through us.

I guess my question is why not try? Why not give Him a chance to use us? Why not take the opportunity to be part of something truly bigger than us? That feeling of hope, peace, love, and freedom is unlike anything else. We've all experienced it, and now we get to help others discover it. So please don't limit your life to just you. You are here for more than, and God will prove it if you let Him!


  1. Good post. And can there be anything more important, to save someone's life. To help tell one person what Heaven will be like.

    1. Thank you!! There's definitely nothing that I can think of. It almost seems impossible that He could use us to do something so amazing, but He definitely can. Just an honor to hopefully be a part of it!


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