Day 1977 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 12:9 NIV

Gotta be honest, it's all getting to me man! Most days I can do a pretty good job of ignoring it. Others I find myself just amazed by it. I've spent more time than I probably should have trying to understand it. But no amount of time or energy or focus can ever help me figure out what's so stinking hard about just being nice to one another. Don't get it!

Seriously, why is it so hard? Why is it so rare? Why have we come up with all these other things that we've decided are more important than kindness? I completely understand that our world couldn't care less about what's right. It doesn't care about what's good. Decent, moral, genuine, honest, all things that have fallen from popularity in this place.

I also understand that there's likely not a day coming when all those good things become the norm again. But still, if we can put so much time and energy into fighting over petty things, couldn't we spare some to find ways to be nice? I've seen so many stories, videos, and posts about people protesting everything from face-masks to children's cartoons. Is that really what matters to us? Is that the biggest thing that we have to deal with? Is that the mark that we want to make?

I'm honestly just sick of it all. The Bible makes it clear that things around here are going to get pretty bad as those grains of sand run low. But I guess I'm just amazed at how quickly things are going to pot. My family and I have been talking about all this here recently, and we honestly can't come close to understanding some of this nonsense. Folks, it doesn't need to be hard, violent, or negative in any way. It's all rather simple in fact.

That's what this verse is pointing out. Cut through all the nonsense. Turn off the Facebooks and log out of the Twittergrams. Quit hunting for things to be offended by. Stop being a part of all the gross downfall of our society! When all's said and done, we're either part of the problem or part of the solution. Now, as Christians, we all know the ultimate solution to this world's countless problems. That's Jesus. It's loving others as He does. It's treating others with the kindness and compassion that He shows. It's putting others first and looking past the mistakes and weaknesses.

It's simply about loving people, doing good, and not going along with the bad! Friends, our world is perfectly fine with filth. People love to fight and argue over junk that has no meaning. Sin is basically a hobby at this point. Darkness is the norm sadly, and the world's okay with that. We don't have to be. And we shouldn't be. We should all be focused on something far better than the accepted norms of this broken spinning ball. We just need to get back to the basics.

Hate what's evil, cling to what's good. Don't mix it. Don't try to play both teams. Don't give here and there. Stand your ground and don't just go with the flow on this one. Bottom line is that if we're not loving others and doing our absolute best to be good people and do good things, then we have room to improve. And we'd better get at it, because as the Bible shows over and over again, God's patience for evil isn't endless. He's eventually going to have had His fill of all this hatred and darkness. And when He's had it, you will not want to be on the wrong side of things. Now's the time to get back to loving others and stop playing any kind of part in the downfall of things.


  1. Good post. We are called and we should want to be above it all, be the good, live for our Father. And, by doing so we will want to be better.

    1. Amen, perfectly said! His calling in our lives is far too important to miss it or ignore it because we're lost in the madness of this place.


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