Day 1978 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 109:3-4 NIV

Another shoulder workout, another song that just really hit me hard. Simon by the amazing band Lifehouse is just one of those songs that is absolutely beautiful. It's got this powerful truth that I know nearly everyone can connect with. As usual, I'll drop a link at the bottom for you to head over and check it out. You won't be disappointed!

Anyway, yesterday I posed the question, "Why is it so hard to simply be nice?" So many times in so many situations, our world's the exact opposite. There are so many broken people who're lost in their own miserable lives. And rather to addressing the problems and mistakes that have led them there, they turn their attention to others. They fixate on pulling others down to their level by whatever means necessary.

Well, I'm feeling this kind of kindness mission kicking off inside. Tired of seeing so much anger and hatred around us. So I think I'll kick off a little campaign of love and compassion. In that spirit, I'd like to share a message that we all rarely hear anymore: You're alright. You are good enough. You are loved. You are important. You are valuable. You have a purpose. You have a rare mix of skills, interests, and experiences that make you truly unique.

I know you've been told otherwise. I know that you've been made to feel worthless and insignificant. I know that you've been hurt by others. I know that this world has held your past mistakes against you. I know that you've been told that your weaknesses mean you can't do anything important. I know that you've maybe even been pushed into this cage where you've hidden who you are because you're afraid of all the judgement and ridicule.

That's why I wanted to share this one with you all. Those are lies. Every single one of them. You see, this world will always have a wide variety of opinions about us. It will always be easy to find people who don't like us, who don't see our worth. But there's only one opinion that truly matters, and He doesn't really care about what this world thinks or says. Christ died for you to show you just how important and special you are. He willingly took your sin and shame to help clear the way to living the one-of-a-kind life that He's written for you to live.

Having heard so many times that you don't matter and that you're never going to amount to anything, it's easy to start believing it. Please don't. Don't buy it. Don't listen to the lies saying that you don't matter. Don't listen to the people saying that your dreams and prayers are meaningless or silly. Don't let anyone convince you of anything that's different from the truth of the cross.

So again, I just wanted to share this little message to remind you that you're alright. You might not be perfect, but hey, nobody is. You might have some things you struggle with, but who doesn't? It's so easy to allow people we appreciate to convince us that we suck. But those people aren't our friends, they're only using the guise of friendship to creep into our hearts and leave us broken and hurting. Do not ever give them that right or that power!

Always focus on what Jesus says about you, because when you do, what this world says won't matter anymore. That's the amazing thing about the truth, it just means more than the lies. Christ never once questioned whether you're worth it when He was carrying that cross knowing what awaited Him. Don't you dare question it either! Pick your head up and live your life. God's written an amazing story for you to experience, don't allow the lies of the world to prevent that!


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