Day 1979 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 2:9 NIV

How about another little moral booster? Yesterday I talked about how often the world lies to us in order to convince us that we're never going to matter. It wants to keep us beaten down and hiding because the darkness around us doesn't want the truth to come out. When that truth comes out, things change!

That truth is that you're not worthless. You're not stupid, or broken, or unworthy. You're not a piece of trash as you may have been treated in the past. In fact, you're royalty! Yep, you read that right! We are God's kids, and seeing as how He is the ultimate King, then we're a part of His royal family. Redeemed through Christ's sacrifice, we're all rejoined to our Sovereign Lord.

I get it though, we've made mistakes. We all have issues and struggles that we're still dealing with. That's always going to be the case. But here's the thing, those facts don't tell the whole story. They never have and never will. They're nothing but little pieces to a much bigger picture. So while we may not be perfect, that's just fine because our struggles don't define us in God's eyes.

His love is what defines us. It's His mercy and forgiveness that tell the story. So while this world may get fixed on what should disqualify us, God doesn't work that way. He looks past the broken and messed up parts and sees what we can be. He pushes all of our mistakes aside and sees what we can still accomplish. So as I said yesterday, doesn't really matter what anyone else may say or think.

You see, God chose us. Even though we've messed some stuff up and really don't deserve His kindness, He still chose us. As I just said, He sees what we can still become. He sees the plans that He has for us. He sees the difference that we can make for Him. He sees the impact that we can have for His kingdom. Those things are just a little more important than whatever requirements or expectations this world might come up with.

So we need to stop listening to any voice saying we're worthless. Hey, if the Creator of the universe and everything in it thinks we matter, then we matter. If God thinks that our souls are worth saving, then we must mean something to Him. If Christ was willing to die for our freedom, then how could you ever think you're worthless? As we talked about yesterday, it's all just lies meant to keep us from realizing His truths.

When we finally break away from the grip of this twisted place, then we can understand who God says we are. Only then can we start to see the value in ourselves. When we stop listening to the world and pay more attention to Him, we'll finally see that we're far more than we ever thought before. And we're capable of far more than we ever imagined possible. Not because we're able, but because He is.

Friends, when we accept God's opinion of us and allow Him to take center stage in our lives, then He will do something amazing through us. For some amazing reason, He's able to use us for good! And He will. So don't buy the lies saying you can never accomplish anything meaningful. Life isn't about what we can do by ourselves anyway. It's about what God can do through us. So let Him be the only One working in your life, not those lies of those around you.


  1. We have a wonderful father and he put us here to do amazing things.

    1. Yes He did, things that we can't risk leaving undone!


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