Day 1981 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Joshua 1:9 NIV

We’ve been talking about some of the truths about who God says we are and the promises that can be found in Him. Getting my walk in this morning and cranking some Britt Nicole, and one of her songs talks about this idea. As usual, I’ll drop a link at the bottom, can’t go wrong with Britt Nicole! But God is always there. Not just to listen to our prayers or refer to when talking to others. It’s more than just a figure of speech. He is always right beside us!

We all face so many different things in life. It’s always changing, always handing us something new that we need to deal with. All the trials, all the uncertainty, all the confusion. Life can be a very hard thing to face, and we have to face it Day after day. At some point, it can all seriously become overwhelming. And most of us have gotten a little too reliant on that quit word. It just seems easier some days.

But what we often fail to understand is that God’s working in our lives through every single situation that we face. We can easily think that the trials we face are just some kind of twisted punishment. We start wondering if God’s mad at us or why He doesn’t want the same things that we want. But the fact will always be that He simply knows what’s best for us, and He’s going to get us there even if it means taking us the long and bumpy way!

We can’t allow the circumstances we’re in the midst of to determine our view of who God is. The storms in life don’t mean that He’s angry or trying to beat us down. They’re often nothing but proof that He knows we’re stronger than we think we are. The trials we go through aren’t evidence that God’s left us, they only show us that He still has plenty to teach us about life and who we were created to be.

I’ve come to learn that the lessons we need to learn the most are often the hardest ones to face. They’re not always easy. They usually require more humility and honesty than we can manage to muster. That’s why God sometimes takes us to the edge of ourselves and beyond what we’re comfortable with. That’s where He can show us things that we couldn’t find otherwise. That’s where we grow closer to Him because it helps us finally see that we need Him so much more than we ever thought.
We don’t have to live in fear of life. We don’t need to get discouraged and disheartened when life is tough. We don’t need to allow our circumstances to make us question our faith in God. If anything, the things we go through should deepen that faith and push us closer to Him. That’s why it’s so amazing to know that He’s always with us. We don’t have to set up an appointment for His help. We don’t have to call some emergency number to leave a message with Him. We simply need to keep going because He’s right there with us.

So my friends, whatever you’re going through, face it with courage. Look it in the eye. Laugh when it tries to convince you that you won’t make it. God’s brought us all through all those others impossible days that we didn’t think we could get through. And He’s still with us, leading us to something beautiful and fighting to clear the way. We never face anything without Him, and that’s just one of the most incredible promises that we could ever hope for!

Fear has no room in our lives. Fear tells us that we’re alone, outnumbered, and headed straight for disaster. But faith tells us that when we’re down to nothing, God’s up to something. And we don’t want to miss what He’s doing because our heads and held down in fear. Again, face life with confidence because you have the Creator of the universe beside you. Nothing, and I mean nothing will ever separate us from Him, so we can truly just enjoy the ride!


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