Day 1982 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 John 2:15 NIV

I just love how God manages to get His messages through to us no matter what. Some times in life we just let ourselves get too busy. We become so wrapped up in all the things that we need to do and want to do that we forget about what really matters. It’s just so easy to buy into the priorities of this world we’re living in and completely overlook the things that matter the most. But thankfully, God always has a way of reminding us to slow down and get those priorities back in place.

We woke up yesterday to find that our internet had gone out. That’s a modern day catastrophe! It’s one of those things that can shake even the toughest resolve! The horrors of having to face a day without that constant connection to the all the endless entertainment that we could possibly want. Just talking about it makes the hairs on my neck stand up! Terrifying!!

Our internet’s still out, and guess what, we’re okay. We’ve survived so far and I think we’re gonna make it! But what’s been amazing about the last day or so is that we’ve managed to accomplish things. We’ve cleaned up a little bit, gotten some things organized, even managed to get caught up on some orders for our little craft businesses. The point is that we need to stop being so reliant on all these other things all the time. We need to stop being so caught up in all this worldly stuff that we don’t leave any time for anything else.

Sadly, what we’re doing by being captivated by worldly things is allowing ourselves to become separated from our Father. The more time we spend focused on worldly stuff, the less time we have to spend with Him growing and learning. We’ve unknowingly fallen in love with things like technology, entertainment, material possessions, worldly comforts. We’ve allowed all these things to basically take God’s place in our lives. And hopefully I don’t need to tell you how wrong and dangerous that is.

We need to break away from this world. We need to shake free from the fascination that we have will all this stuff around us. It’s nothing but a bunch of distractions that keep our eyes darting between things that don’t matter. As this verse is teaching us, when we’re consumed with this world, then there’s not much room for God in our lives. But the plain and simple truth is that God needs to be our main focus, priority, and love. If He’s not, then we’re leaving ourselves open to becoming lost in the flood of nonsense and things that can never fill our lives like He can.

Maybe it’s that cell phone that you can’t bear the thought of being away from. Could be the desire to stay caught up on the latest news coming out of Hollyweird. Could be the goal of having all the material things that you want to have. Whatever the case may be, just don’t let anything else become more important than God. Don’t let yourself become slaves of things that can’t really offer you anything worth having. It’s just not worth it.

We need God. We need faith. We need peace. We need hope. All this worldly stuff just can’t give us any of those. So they probably shouldn’t be so important to us. After all, we can only serve one master. So is gonna be God or something else? Another one of those easy questions to answer when you stop and think about it!


  1. Think you summed this up perfectly with We can only serve one master. That master shpu;d be God and I know that I personally fall short, I do not give him the time he deserves. Gotta wonder if internet, snow storms, and whatever makes us stop awhile are for your good.

    1. Absolutely! I can't count how many times I've thought about that during this insane year. He just might be using all of this to finally get through to us and help us get the messages that we've been ignoring for too long!


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