Day 1984 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 1:16 NIV

So I had a dream in the middle of the night last night, and although it started out pretty weird, it ended in something amazing. Now I don't dream all that often, but here lately, I've found that I've been having more dreams than normal. And I've seriously gotten some really powerful messages from them that I know I needed to hear. It's amazing how God can speak to us in so many different ways, even when we're not actively trying to listen!

Anyway, I found myself up all of the sudden at 4:30 in the morning praying for an old friend of mine. And I've been thinking about it all day. God really does put some amazing people in our lives to spend bits and pieces of this journey with. He puts some around us for very short periods of time. Others hang around for a while. And a few may even be life-long friends that we get to walk with for a long time.

Some He sends our way to help us in specific ways that we probably don't notice at the time. Others are always there to help or just listen whenever we're hurting or struggling. But no matter what, the truth remains that those relationships that we're blessed with are true gifts from our Father. And that's part of what I took away from my dream last night. We need to be thankful for the amazing people around us. Always.

All too often, however, we take these amazing gifts for granted. We can completely forget just how blessed we are to have the friends and loved ones around us that we do. We can even fail to see just how important and special they are until our paths have gone different directions. So that's what I wanted to share with you guys in today's post. Be thankful for your friends. Be thankful for the relationships that you get to experience and enjoy. Be thankful that God sees fit to put these amazing people in our lives to help us along the way.

It's a pretty painful thing to have to realize what you had once it's gone. One of those experiences that really hits home and leaves a pretty big mark. That's why we can't afford to take our loved ones for granted. And we definitely can't risk not telling them just how much they mean to us. I know, all that touchy-feely stuff is kinda cheesy and embarrassing to share, but it's worth it. It's worth it to let someone know that you truly appreciate them being a part of your life.

So let them know. Tell people that you love and appreciate them. Let them know that you're thankful that they're a part of your story. Don't risk them never knowing how much they mean to you. We don't want to reach the day where we can't take that opportunity! I honestly think that when we live our lives being thankful and appreciative of God's many blessings, then life is just more beautiful altogether!

I've always had this extremely old-school view on friendships. To me, they're some of the biggest blessing we ever get to enjoy. I am constantly just amazed at this modern view that people are expendable and friendship is all about what you can give one another. It's so much more than that, and again, hopefully we don't only see that when it's too late. Just be thankful for the people that God's sends into your story. Let Him know that you appreciate the help and the gift. And let them know that you get just how priceless they are. Just one of those things that we should never take for granted.


  1. God knows exactly what his is doing and puts us right where we need to be. Trust him and let him and walk with Jesus.

    1. Amen! Yes He does, and trusting in Him is the only way to true peace.

  2. Amen. God uses us to be a blessing to others and in return, we receive the same blessings. No matter what they are. God is the best friend and a perfect demonstration to friendship. Thank you for a powerful verse

    1. Well said! It's amazing how He manages to orchestrate all this into the awesome stories that we get to live out. He's truly incredible!


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