Day 2001 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 12:25 NIV

So yesterday's little milestone had me thinking about just how incredible this opportunity really is. Do you guys realize that we each have the ability to change someone's life for the better? Do you realize that we have the ability to lift someone up when the weight of life is beating them down? Do you ever just stop and think about this gift that we've been given and the priceless chance to share it with others?

We all deal with things like stress, anxiety, fear, doubt. Those are all just a part of life and nobody is immune to them. And they suck! They're far from enjoyable. All of those negative thoughts and emotions are great at squeezing the joy out of our lives and leaving us feeling hopeless and lost. We've all been there, and odds are we'll be there again. And there are so many people around us going through those rough times as we speak.

That's where you and I get to come in and bring the light of Christ with us. There's absolutely no debate that His kindness and mercy just make you feel better. I mean, I guess someone out there could debate it, but they're never convincing me! But His light just has this amazing way of cutting through even the darkest and most miserable of days. It's this unyielding hope that nothing we face in life can overpower.

One of the biggest topics that I've talked about in these past 2000 posts is the fact that our world needs good. With so many people lost, hurting, and looking in all the wrong places for something to help, good is needed more than ever! Christ is that good. His message is that good. His light is the good that shatters the darkness of fear and anxiety and sends them running. We each have that light inside of us just waiting for us to acknowledge it and let Him do His thing through us.

That is the message that I was trying to get across yesterday, but not sure that I did a good job of it. Anyway, He is ready and able to do amazing things through us if we just open up and let Him. I'm talking world-shaking, life-changing, darkness-breaking, hope-perfecting things. Again, we can truly turn someone's day, week, or even life around with this joy that we've found in our Father!

Nobody should have to live in constant fear or worry. It's just a painfully miserable existence. Thankfully, we have the key to those doors that can help people break away from that negativity. We have Christ. We have His word. We have His love to share with everyone we meet. How He manages to use a bunch of screwed up weirdos like you and me I will never understand. But He does, and it's just mind-blowing to think that He can use us to make such a monumental difference for someone else. So never think that you can't make a difference. With Him leading the way, it's impossible not to!


  1. While we are here, while we can. be the person that shows his love for us all.

    1. Amen, seriously love that! Simple and powerful!


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