Day 2003 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 4:13 NIV

I have some of the best possible news that anyone could ever share with you: it's not all on you! This is one of the most well-known and commonly quoted verses in the whole Bible. It's just one of those messages that seems to always fit whatever situation that we find ourselves in. With all of the things that we face in life, it's extraordinarily peaceful to know that we don't have to rely on our strength alone.

Which is a very good thing because let's face it, we're not all that. We tend to enjoy thinking that we are. We like to tell ourselves that we're stronger and tougher than we really are. We convince ourselves that we can do anything and take on any challenge that comes our way. But when push comes to shove, we often find that maybe we're not invincible.

I know the truth in that is rather humbling, but it's good to be a little more humble than a little too high on ourselves. After all, the higher we build ourselves up, the longer the drop when the truth won't budge! I understand that it's more fun to build ourselves up into these superheroes that can take on the world, but keeping that mindset in the middle of the trials we face is whole different story.

So if it makes you feel better to tell yourself that you've got this all on your own, then go for it. There's nothing wrong in that, and in fact, we should all be confident in who God made us to be. Just know that when our strength and abilities do run short and fail to measure up to the giant in front of us, we have Someone far bigger to lean on!

It's just amazing to know that we have a strength and a power that is beyond anything that we're capable of on our own. It's truly peaceful to know that we can overcome anything that comes our way because Christ is there with us. Just knowing that promise takes so much of the fear and worry out of life and the unknowns that lie before us.

Drew Brees shared a quote in his autobiography that always stuck me: "If God leads you to it, He will lead you through it." If there's a mountain in your way, God put it there for a reason and He will get you over it. If there's a choice or a change that you know you need to make, it's for a reason and He will always be there to help. We need to get used to leaning more on Him than we do ourselves because He is far bigger and far smarter than we will ever be. Again, that's a truly great thing!

So whatever it is that you're facing, know that you can make it because you have more than your own strength to carry you. Know that you don't have to be tough or have super-human strength. You don't have to be unbreakable, because Jesus is unbreakable for us! So we don't have to try and figure out a way to make it through life's storms under our own steam. We can always rely on His, and friends, His doesn't have limits like ours does! He will always have more than enough to help us through even the more impossible fight! There is no impossible with Christ!


  1. Thank you Jesus. Some days are tougher than others. I am so glad it is not just me that gets me throught them.

    1. Amen! Even in the hardest day we know that we can make it because He's gotten us through all the other hard ones!


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