Day 2005 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 11:29 NIV

We talked yesterday about how one part of our walk of faith is about unlearning all the wrong things that the world has taught us and learning the right way to do things. It's about learning God's way of doing things. His way is the polar opposite of the world's way, so it only stands to reason that we're basically starting from scratch when we finally find our way to Jesus. The awesome thing is that He's ready and more than able to help make that life-changing transition!

That's exactly what this verse is telling us. When we stop scratching and clawing to keep up with the broken ways of this world we're passing through, then we can just accept the help that He's ready to give us. We're told so often by those around us that we need to keep at it and keep up with the constant changes that other people are making. We're told that we have to keep up with the world or risk getting left behind.

Well, seeing the dangerous direction that this world is heading in, I'm completely fine being left behind. I don't want any part of it. All the anger and hatred, selfishness and foolish priorities, yeah, I'm good without it! The thing is that we know what living like the world will get us. We've been there and done that. And well, there's a reason that people are still looking for something better!

We need to go old-school on this one. We need to get back to following Christ's example, not the world's ever-changing expectations. We need to spend time studying God's word, not the latest updates on social media. We need to focus on prayer, not playing the messed up games that so many are lost inside of. We need to turn back to Him and ask for help learning to do things His way.

We've spent so much time trying to be like the world and be liked by the world. It's gotten us nothing but this never-ending feeling of inferiority and dwindling hope. Why keep heading that direction when there's a loving God saying that He's ready to help you find the peace that has so far eluded us? Maybe because it's going to require a lot of change and more humility than we enjoy having. But if it finally leads us to something amazing, then why not try?

That whole "rest for your souls" part just seals the deal for me! So much time and effort is wasted on trying to find peace, rest, fulfillment, and joy in life. But we just look in all the wrong places. They're found in God and humbly living according to His will. No wonder we're not finding it living like the world! We just need to understand that it's okay to stop making it so hard on ourselves and simply accept the crazy gift that He freely offers us! He knows there's a better way to live, and He wants nothing but the best for us. So if we're willing to learn from Him and try His way, then we're going to find every good thing that we've searched so long to find!


  1. Thank you Jesus for being that ever present help, love, teacher and savior. Thank you for showing us the way.


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