Day 2006 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 19:26 NIV

199.8. Really weird way to start one of these posts isn't it? But stick with me. If you've read some of my past posts, then you may know that I have changed up my life quite a bit over the past few years. And this morning when I stepped on the scale, the number looking up at me was 199.8. I actually dipped below two bills. That's honestly something that I can say I never thought would be possible. But as I said in my post a couple of days ago, impossible doesn't exist with God.

You see, back in early 2018 I weighed over 300 pounds. Well over. Not sure exactly how much because the scale in the gym at our old apartment stopped at 300. But when I stepped on, the needle kept going anyway! So in the course of 2 1/2 years I've lost 120 or so pounds. I've completely changed up my diet. I get probably way too excited to sling weights around in the gym. I do a lot more walking than I ever did before. I'm just a completely different person, and I honestly wouldn't change it for anything.

Throughout this journey of health and actually caring about myself more, I've often looked back and wondered how it all actually happened. I always wanted to get healthier and lose weight. Growing up I always wondered what it was like to be thinner and stronger, to just feel better. But no matter how many times I tried to start working out, it just never stuck. I would always just quit and go back to playing video games and watching TV.

And my diet was atrocious. Nothing but junk food and embarrassing orders at the Mickey D's window. So I honestly got to the point where I just accepted that it was what it was and I wouldn't ever change. I quit. But God didn't. And that's the side of things that I think we always forget about. While we may be quick to stop trying and pick the easy way, God doesn't. He knows what's best for us, and if we're just willing to trust Him, He will help us do anything if it means changing us for the better.

I think we get stuck with these blinders on our eyes that tell us what's possible. We look at our abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and add it all up to a very limited view of what we can accomplish. And we allow ourselves to just hang out there because we've convinced ourselves that we can't do anything about it. But God can. What we can't do, God can. What we see as impossible is nothing but a tiny bump in the road in God's eyes. What we see as this mountain is just an opportunity to Him.

We need to stop basing what's possible on what we can do by ourselves. When we do, then we're completely cutting off the possibility that there's more out there. We're setting ourselves up to miss out on the better life that God is calling us to. But when we stop looking for excuses for why something can't happen, and trust that God can get it done anyway, then there's no shortage to the amazing things we can experience.

I just wanted to encourage you guys to lean on God. Find your strength in Him. Stop with the excuses. Stop allowing this idea of impossible to exist in your mind. As this verse is telling us, yeah, with us it ain't happening. But with God, there's nothing that can't be done. You can make that change that your heart is aching to make. You can break that habit that makes you feel horrible. You can walk away from that relationship that is holding you back. You can move, change, improve, grow. Not because we're able, but because He is. Don't miss out on what He has planned because it seems impossible to you. Nothing will stand in the way of what He has in store.


  1. Great job on the being healthy and great post. We get to caught up in what we know and what we understand. Throw it all out the window. God knows no limits. Walk with Jesus, trust God and let his will be done. His abbilities are much greater than ours.

    1. Amen, and thank you!! Your support all along has been amazing, and you're truly an inspiration that's helped me keep pushing. It's amazing what He can do in us and through us when we stop coming up with reasons that it can't be done!


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