Day 2009 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 4:3 NIV

Yesterday we talked about the fact that life is rarely easy. It usually goes much differently than we could ever imagine, and some of it is just flat-out hard. But it's in those difficult circumstances that we learn the most about our faith. They help us learn more about who God really is and just how faithful He's always been. This one kind of goes along with that idea. He needs to bring us to the end of ourselves so that we can finally see that He is really all that we need.

We all have so many things that we want in life. Whether it's dream jobs, material comforts, or personal goals, we all have a list of things that we hope and pray for. Some we get, others we don't. Now when we get something that we want, then we're good. We're happy. But what about when we don't get those prayers answered the way we hope? What about when God says no, hold on, or here's something different?

Well, we don't like not getting our way. So when those prayers and hopes go unfulfilled, we can easily fall into this mindset where we think that God doesn't love us. After all, if He doesn't want to give us everything we want, then He must not really love us as much as everyone says He does. But when you stop and think about it, that sounds pretty childish doesn't it? Kind of like a little kid throwing a fit when they don't go home with that toy they begged Mom and Dad to buy them.

It's not that He doesn't love us or want us to be happy. That couldn't be further from the case. The fact is that He knows better than we do. We see and imagine all these things that we just know will make us happy, but He knows what we truly need in life. He knows that we don't need to get our way all the time to be happy. He knows that we don't have to get everything that catches our eye to find joy.

So it's not that He doesn't listen or answer our prayers, it's just that He knows better than we do. You see, often times we ask for things out of a very selfish place. We want them because we want them, and that's the only reason we need. But God knows that if we did get everything we wanted and if everything did go our way, then we'd become the spoiled little brats that wig out when something goes wrong.

I've wanted a lot of different things in my life. Some I ended up with, most I didn't. But looking back I can say that I wouldn't change anything. I wouldn't trade the things that God has given to me and done in my life for any of those things I once thought I needed. If I had gotten them, then maybe I wouldn't be who I am now. If He had opened that door that remained closed, then maybe I wouldn't be where I am today. I might not be as happy, or as at peace with my life as I am. So I wouldn't trade it or do it differently at all.

Friends, we need to trust that God knows best. Don't get angry when He says no to something that you think you want. He will give you something better that you didn't think was possible. Don't doubt His love for you when He makes you wait for something. It will be more than worth it. Just trust that God knows what we need and He will always fulfill His amazing promises for us. It might not be what we want or ask for, but it will undoubtedly be for our best. You can count on that!


  1. Amen, it's actually the truth to thank God for unanswered prayers. Think if all the things we asked for that we did not get and how much better off we are. He really does know more than we do.

    1. Absolutely does!! I've been thinking about that a lot here lately, and I don't want to know how much different I would have been without Him knowing what I needed rather than what I wanted. Definitely thankful for things going His way!


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