Day 2010 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 3:6 NIV

So we just talked about how we don't always get what we want in life. I'm betting that comes as a surprise to nobody. But if we can learn to see it as the true blessing that it is, then we can finally start to find the peace and contentment that we would miss otherwise. You see, life isn't about doing things our way. It's not about getting what we think we need or having everything go just like we want it to go. It's about God's plans and His perfect will for our lives.

It can be extremely hard to see that when we're frustrated by the disappointment of not getting our way. We become blinded to the blessings that gives us instead of the things we had our hearts set on. Once we have it in our minds that things need to happen this way or bring us this result, then anything else is just not good enough. Even if it means we get something better, we could very well miss it because we're upset.

We've got to accept that we're not here to be catered to. God doesn't owe us anything. He doesn't owe us the right to call the shots. He doesn't owe us the things that would only please our selfish side. He just doesn't owe us anything. So we ought to stop living like He does. We ought to just choose to be humble and realize that He's the only One that truly knows exactly what's best for us.

Now I know that we like to think that we know ourselves and our needs pretty well. It can be hard to imagine that someone else could possibly have a better handle on us than we do. But we're talking about God here. He created us. He knows what it took to make us out of dirt. He knows the way our minds work. He knows the secret to the peace our hearts crave. He knows us better than we do. Whether or not we can wrap our minds around that fact doesn't change it.

He also knows where we're going and what we need to get there. While the destination and the trip there might be different than we would choose, again, not about us. It's about the fact that God's plans and will for us is better than anything we could imagine. So if we can't even begin to dream of what He has in store, then how could we ever figure out the way there on our own? How could we ever think that we have a better idea than the One that sent His only Son to save our lives? Yeah, I think I'll stick with His way of doing things!

Again, He doesn't owe us anything. And we truly would not want Him to change His plans to meet our desires. So we should always opt for a little more humility than pride. We should always aim to follow Him more closely than the selfish wants that we've come up with. If we simply humble ourselves and submit to His plan, then we're going to experience a life beyond our wildest imagination. And we just might find the peace, joy, and satisfaction that always seems to elude us when we do things our way.


  1. We have the greatest Father and Savior ever. Why would we want to go it on our own. Walk with Jesus and trust in God.

    1. Amen, only He can get to the place where He knows we need to be.


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