Day 2014 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 14:28 NIV

I touched on this little story from the Bible in yesterday's post. Faith is a really funny thing. Some days we're completely solid and ready to move mountains. Others we just keep stumbling and can't seem to put one foot in front of the other. It's this never ending fight to keep growing and keep our eyes fixed on Christ. It's this process of continually learning that He knows better than we do and we will rarely understand where He's taking us.

I absolutely love this little piece of Scripture. It manages to show the amazing power of our faith and our likeliness to struggle with it all at the same time. Just like Peter, we call out to Him and say that we're ready for whatever and wherever He has in mind. We know that He's got us and that He will always be in control. Yet once we actually take that step of faith outside of what we can understand, things get real pretty quick!

The thing is that He is going to lead us to things that we can't possibly understand. His plans for our lives will not always be comfortable or make sense to our simple human minds. So we're going to have those sink or swim moments in our faith. We're going to have to either keep going forward in faith knowing that He has the power to get us where we need to be. Or we can turn back to the safety of the boat and remain in the comfort of what we can understand.

It can be the hardest possible thing to take that step of faith when it makes absolutely no sense to us. We can instantly be overwhelmed by fear, doubt, and all kinds of scary emotions. But when we keep our eyes on Him, we can make it. We can do things and go places that we could't begin to imagine when we simply follow Him and trust in His power.

That's the whole key right there. Our faith is in His power, not our understanding. It's in His plans, not our comfort. If we only do what makes sense and feels comfortable then we're just going to miss out on truly experiencing a life of faith. But if we step out of the safety of the known and sensible then we're going to see just how big our God really is. And that's something we don't want to miss!

Friends, do not be afraid to go where Christ is leading you. It may not make sense to us, but that simply doesn't matter. If He is calling us to it, you better believe that He has the power to help us get it done. Don't let doubt keep you in the boat away from your Lord and Savior. It might be easier and far more comfortable. But if it means that we miss out on truly experiencing what our faith can do, then it's not worth it. Keep your eyes always fixed on Jesus, because when we do, nothing can shake us! We only start sinking when we stop looking to Him.


  1. Amen. Your verse today goes good with yesterday's, if we already know that he will never let us fall why should it be so hard to let doubt keep us from the walk that God has planned for us.

    1. Amen!! Doubt kills a lot of amazing opportunities because we don't see how something could possibly happen. But God sees far more than we do, so it doesn't matter what we think is possible, only what He knows He can do!


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