Day 2015 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 14:3 NIV

You all ever think about eternity? As I wrote that I realized that sounds like way too deep of a question for a Saturday afternoon. But have you ever really taken some time and thought about just how long forever really is? I don't really know why, but that's kind of been on my mind for a couple of days. So as usual, when something sticks around in there for long enough, I assume that He just might be telling me to talk about it!

What's amazing to me is to think that we're just getting started. Our journey has truly only just begun. It's seriously crazy to think that we've only seen such a minuscule amount of all that there is. We've all seen, heard, learned, and experienced more things than we can possibly remember. So to think that our lives have been but a drop in this ocean of eternity that's still before us is insane!

I think that forever and eternity are these kinds of concepts that our little human brains can't really comprehend. It's too big. It's too long. It's just more than we can imagine. But it's also real. Eternity does exist and when the final grain of sand drops for this life, well, that eternal part begins. So we're nowhere close to being done, and with Christ, we never will be.

The thing that I think we forget or overlook when we don't take time to consider the vast expanse of eternity is that all this stuff here is finite. It's all temporary. It has an expiration date. But for so many, we treat these lives in this earth as all that matters. We can get so wrapped up in the gossip, the headlines, the conspiracies, the foolishness that we totally forget that it's all going to fail to matter one day. So if the day is coming when none of this worldly nonsense matters anymore, then we need to ask ourselves if it should matter that much now.

What I'm saying is that we can't just forget about eternity because we're focused on the here and now. We can't put off getting right with Christ because we're busy keeping up with the goings on around us. We can't let ourselves be fooled into thinking that all of this matters more than what's still to come. That will simply never be the case. What comes next is forever, and it's only going one of two ways. And trust me, you ain't gonna enjoy one option!

Christ came to this earth to show us that there's more. He came to teach us that all this worldly stuff doesn't come close to being as important as a relationship with Him. So don't get lost in the ways of the world. Be alert, stay informed, but don't forget that we're only passing through this place. There's no point in storing up a bunch of things or getting wrapped up in a ton of gossip or silly arguments that just won't matter some day. Just don't forget that something so much bigger is still yet to come!


  1. That is really an amazing gift, a forever home with our Father and Savior. Really good post, what is eternity, how big is Heaven and what will it be like? This is all temporary but what isn't is our time to get right.

    1. Amen, seriously well said!! It's going to be more amazing than we could possibly dream of, and yeah, it's not worth wasting any time to get saved so we don't miss out on His promise!


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