Day 2016 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 6:20 NIV

Yesterday I posed a very big question: have you ever thought about the vastness of eternity? I'm just afraid that so many people are living for these lives only, and that's going to lead to quite a shock when we reach the end of this leg of the trip only to find that something else really does come next. So I just want to encourage everyone to take today's verse to heart.

This is one that my mom likes to quote and share quite often. And it's really a very important lesson that everyone needs to learn and always keep in mind. While we're surrounded by all kinds of messages, things, wants, and desires, we need to always keep our priorities in line. We can't afford to let ourselves become distracted by all the wares that our world offers up.

The thing that I think we've fallen for is this idea of value. We're told that all this worldly stuff is highly valuable. Now if that's the case, then we automatically think that having it or going along with it will in turn make us more important and valuable ourselves. And who doesn't want to feel valued and special? It's one of those things that everyone chases because we want to feel like we matter.

So when the world tells us that all this stuff will make us more important, then we convince ourselves to get it on the opportunity to have something special. But the truth is that if you can buy it, then is it really that special? If it's something that someone else can buy for themselves, then how valuable is it really? If it's something that can be lost, stolen, broken, or otherwise ruined, then how can it make our lives better?

That's why we need to stay focused on preparing for the next stop on this eternal journey, not just making this one more comfortable. As I said yesterday, this world and everything in it has an expiration date. So why spend all our time focused on something that is going to end? Why not use that time to build a relationship with our Savior that will lead us to an eternity of peace and joy that will never end? Just seems a little more worthwhile.

So don't get lost in the things of the world. Some people might be absolutely convinced that they truly matter, but we don't have to buy it. We don't have to follow the ways of others, and in truth we shouldn't. We simply cannot risk being so focused on this life and this world and the common desires of humanity that we forget all about getting right with God and being ready for that approaching return of our King. Spend some time building something in Him that this world can never take away!


  1. So true, all this is here and gone. Heaven is forever.


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