Day 2020 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 37:23 NIV

Yesterday we talked about the amazing opportunity that we have to be different. The fact is that all of this stuff around us that everyone else is always focused on is really nothing but a bunch of distractions that keep them from seeing what really matters. Our world likes to come up with things that it thinks are important, but in reality, it's all just nonsense that has been created to keep people distracted.

Again, I'm not saying that we shouldn't pay attention to things going on around us. We need to be aware of stuff. But we don't need to let the worldly stuff get our priorities all out of whack. We only have so much time in a day, so much time in our lives, so we need to make sure that we're spending it focused on things that make us better and store up those treasures in Heaven that we discussed a few days ago.

We look around us and see so many people bouncing between so many different things. Politics, protests, petty arguments, material desires, good old fashioned greed, popularity, the latest fads, the newest lie being passed around, and the list goes on and on. It's really no wonder that so many people are truly miserable and unhappy. They're all stumbling around lost in this maze of things that they've been told are important or will make them happy.

But none of it ever works because none of it is God. When we're focused on Him instead of all the noise, then we don't have to search around in the darkness for peace or joy. We don't have to crawl and claw our way up some imaginary ladder to find our value. When we're focused on God then we've already found that peace, that joy, that value, and every other good thing we're looking for.

So friends, just don't get caught up in things that aren't God. Or better yet, don't allow anything in this world become your god. Doing so will only make you stumble and keep leading you to more and more disappointment. Don't live trying to find delight in anything down here because it's not gonna happen. 

As this verse is reminding us, God will always lead us to what truly matters as long as we're solely focused on Him and not busy getting distracted by other things. We never have to stumble around through life. He's ready to lead us on a much firmer and more steady path. Please let Him!


  1. So easy to run out of time for him, get caught up in the latest stuff going on but it's not the right way to live. We should put him first in every part of our lives. Good post.

    1. Amen! He can't be second. It's not that all the other stuff is totally unimportant, it just can't become more important than our walk with Him.


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