Day 2025 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 2:14-15 NIV

We've been talking about how we go about finding calm and peace in the wrong way for a few days now. We think that we deserve those comfortable things in life. But the problem with that mindset is that it leads us to losing our minds and freaking out whenever it doesn't go that way. As I said a couple of days ago, it's not about asking God to take all our problems away, it's asking Him to help us learn to remain calm in the middle of them.

We have to be able to face life in a calm and controlled way. When we don't, then we end up sending a really pitiful message about this faith of ours. When other people see us griping and complaining because life is hard, they're gonna start wondering where the power is in our faith. In their minds, if these so called Christians are acting like spoiled brats, then is their faith really all that special or peaceful?

We have each been given these lives to help shine for Christ and point people to Him so that He can change their lives and save their souls as He did ours. We need to be different. We need to be those "children of God" in this "warped and crooked generation." So many people in this world are all about that whining lifestyle. People everywhere want their way, and when they don't get it, they go nuts. They lose their tempers, start yelling, and forget all about the message that they're sending.

The faithful just have to do better than that. Yes, life isn't easy. God is still good. No, we don't always get our way. His plans are still perfect. Yes, we face some really tough things. Christ is always with us through them. So stop looking for the bad and focus on the good. If we're only seeing the bad side of things, then we're allowing ourselves to be pulled in a very negative direction. So don't let it happen!

Don't let the hard days get you down. They come and go just as fast as the good ones. Always remember to keep your cool because people are watching to see how people of faith really behave. Let's not send the wrong message and turn people off to giving Christ a chance. Again, we're here to help get people to Jesus, not push them away.

Look, people are tired of all the whining and complaining. It just gets old hearing people yell negative stuff all the time. So instead of adding more negativity to a world that's consumed with it, do something different. Do something better. Friends, we all have a chance to shine for Jesus. Don't miss out on having an impact that could change a life because you're upset and angry. Rise above it and keep shining!


  1. This is a beautiful verse. We have such an amazing home in Heaven. Do not get into the world but walk with Jesus.

    1. Amen, one that I think about from time to time. We all want to be a part of something amazing, and we already are. Just need to stop getting distracted and forgetting it!


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