Day 2035 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ecclesiastes 2:11 NIV

This one really just describes much of what I've been thinking and feeling lately. I look around at all the things going on in our world and I'm just amazed, confused, saddened, and almost entertained. I see so many different priorities and I can't help but fail to see what everyone's trying to accomplish? I might be completely wrong, but I simply don't see how a lot of it is worth the time and effort spent doing or saying it.

I've really been thinking about this idea, and to be honest it's one that's so big, so different that I can't really think of a good way to narrow it down. I feel like I've taken off down this really different road than the majority of people in life, and it's becoming one of the most exciting and interesting seasons of my life. I feel like God is showing me to a sense of freedom and peace that there's no chance of finding without letting go of things.

We all know about the priorities of this place. The money, the cars, the fancy titles, the power, the prestige, the popularity, the material comforts. We also see all of the yelling and fighting about a whole laundry list of different things. For a while I felt almost guilty that I couldn't get interested in all of it. I almost felt like I was falling behind or somehow losing my mind because I just wasn't seeing what so many others apparently are.

But the past several days I've realized that it's led me to peace and happiness. It's freed me from the common worldly desires. It's almost like I've suddenly found all this extra time to just think about faith, pray, read God's word, think about these posts, and just focus on things that mean something to me. They might not be important to some, but to me they truly bring me peace and this excitement that I don't really know how to describe.

When we finally stop chasing all that our world tells us to go after, we realize that we don't need any of it. We don't need things to be happy. We don't need power to be important. We don't need a huge following to make a difference. We just need to be who God made us, live the life He put us here to live, and stay focused on Him above everything else.

If we can do that, then I fully promise that it will change our life. It will seem weird at first because it kind of feels like you're falling away from the world. But I've honestly grown to see that as a blessing because so much of what the world is focused on is just senseless. It's chasing after the wind. They're all running after something they can't catch, and that they couldn't do anything with even if they could.

I've talked a lot about our chance to share the Gospel with others and point them to their Savior. You will never convince me that anything else is anywhere near as important. So if it doesn't make me a better person, a better Christian, a better servant, or offer me the peace and joy that He does, then I'm truly good without it! The world can go right on chasing, I've done found all that I could ever hope to find. And you can too, it's Christ!


  1. The message in this is one you can feel. Keep our eyes on him.

    1. Thank you and amen!! It's one that I've seriously been thinking about a lot lately. With all that's going on around us, I think it's even more important to focus on what matters most.


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