Day 2038 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Titus 3:7 NIV
I actually had this picture made and posted with yesterday's post, but it just didn't feel right. Something was off, and so I changed it up and the verse from yesterday just fit what I had on my mind better. This one is along the same line, but different at the same time. Yesterday we talked about how we need to stop looking for justification from those around us. This verse is why.
We don't need it. We've already been justified through our faith in Christ. His gift, His mercy, His salvation have given us our identity. We don't need to find it in this world. We don't need others to like us or approve of what we do. We don't need them to approve of our beliefs or even agree with this faith that we hold so dearly. We don't need anything from this world, because He's already given us more than we could ever hope to find anyway!
One of the most powerful and commonly shared ideas in our faith is that this world isn't our home. These lives aren't all there is to our story. The things we see are just the tip of the ice berg when compared to all that God has in store for us. And these lives, as long or short as they are, are just the first chapter in our book. So why fall into this mindset that we have to find our value here and now?
Why do we feel the need to be liked and approved of by others who are literally no different than us? Why do we not just humbly accept the fact that our King loves us more than anyone else ever could to begin with? Other people may never even know or care that you exist. But Christ knows your name, saved your soul, secured your freedom, and walks with you every single day of your life. Isn't His definition of who we are a little more amazing than what others may or may not think about us?
Guys, as I said yesterday, we're children of the one true King. We're citizens of Heaven, just passing through this spinning ball until He comes to take us there. Don't build up this grand life here. Don't spend your time trying to earn the acceptance and approval of this world. Because the day is coming when it won't matter anymore anyway. But there will never be a moment when Christ's love for us is less important, less powerful, or less moving.
The world and those in it may like us, might not. Others may agree with what we believe and do, they may not. Either way, it just doesn't matter because we're foreigners travelling through a place we don't belong. Our home is in Heaven, and our Savior is coming back for us at some point. When we live our lives grounded in the fact that His perfect grace is what defines us, then we just don't feel that need to be approved of by anyone else.
It does go really good after yesterday's post. How true, he is all that matters. We should be more interested in having his blessings, his approval and his love thatn anything else. He came to save us how much more could we ever hope for. Nothing.
ReplyDeleteExactly! So many people are spending so much time and energy trying to find what He's already offered us. We don't need to pine, beg, and lose ourselves to find acceptance or love. He accepts us even with our flaws, and loves us more than we could ever deserve. Don't know what else we could possibly hope to find.