Day 2041 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Timothy 2:4 NIV

Saw this one yesterday when I was searching for a verse to share that went with what was on my heart for yesterday's post. Man, if there's a verse that fits what I've been feeling lately better than this one, I look forward to finding it! We just talked about how we each have a mission to share Christ with the world. No matter what anyone tries to offer, nobody will ever convince me that something else is more important than that!

The problem has become that we've gotten used to this place. It's not our home, but we're here long enough that it can definitely start to seem like it is. We have to always remember that we are in this world, but never of this world. God calls us to walk outside the edge of society, not to get lost inside of it. We are not here to be consumed with worldly nonsense. We're here to serve God and help Him reach people who need His salvation.

The more we become like the world and get consumed in the things that everyone else is wrapped up in, the further we drift from that life-saving mission. Can't happen. Has happened. Needs to stop happening. Guys, it's just too important. And that's the message of this verse. Our priority has got to be serving Him and fulfilling the responsibility we have to share His Gospel with the world. Nothing else really matters.

Let's break it down like this: You have one chance to have one conversation with someone else. What do you want them to take from that moment? Do you want them to remember that you were caught up on the headlines? Do you want them to be impressed that you were well-versed in politics? Do you want them to leave the same as they were before they talked to you? Or do you want them to leave changed, full of hope, and aware of Christ's love for them?

Truth is that sometimes we only get that one opportunity. We can't afford to waste it blending in with everyone else and spewing the same worldly messages that millions of other people are sharing. That's not how we make a mark for Him. That's not how we change things. That's not how we help Him change hearts. And that's what the world needs most.

We have to stop lowering ourselves into the muck around us. Rise above and be different. You have that choice, and you have that ability. Use it. No matter what, remember that you're not just another citizen of this planet. You are a solider of Christ, here to help point others to Him. We're carrying a message that can and will save souls for eternity. Never let anything become more important or more interesting in your life. Too much on the line!


  1. Your message is the exact same thing, to me, that Jesus was talking about before he rose into Heaven. We are messengers and His soldiers. I love the way you think and write!

    1. Wow, thank you! It's so important that we don't forget who we are and what we need to do for Him. Too important!

  2. Really do not know what to say other than you are a preacher. This reminded me of a song "Only Jesus" from Casting Crowns and having one talk with someone, what do they get from it. It's not about us, we already know Jesus, we know our Father is God but not everyone does.

    1. That seriously means a lot, more than you know! And that's the whole point, we are the ones that have the truth to share with those who have no idea. We can't get distracted by anything else and end up leaving someone not knowing about Christ. Everyone deserves that chance to be saved like we have been!


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