Day 2043 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 5:21 NIV

One of the biggest problems that we're facing is that so many people have convinced themselves that their way is the right way. The issue is that none of this has anything to do with what we think is right or wrong. It's about what Christ says is right and wrong. So when we take it upon ourselves to determine our own version of wisdom, then we're saying that He may not know what's best after all.

Dangerous mindset! There's a night and day difference between humility and arrogance, and our society is walking on the wrong side of that line. Everyone's doing and saying whatever they want to solely on the basis that they think it's right. Problem is that without a universal truth, such as the Bible, as our foundation, there's nothing to hold us accountable.

When we get it in our minds that we can define what's right based on our own opinion, then we put ourselves on the throne and shove Christ out of the way. Our own definition of what is right comes from our very limited, innately selfish, and very culturally-based perspective. Christ's is far above all that. He isn't swayed by the arrogance or opinions of others. He doesn't conform to the whims of the masses. He gave us the truth and it will never change.

So we have to drop this idea that we know better. Humility has to make a massive comeback in our lives. Doesn't matter what we want. Doesn't matter what we think. Doesn't matter what we prefer. Doesn't matter what's easy or comfortable. What matters is living our lives humbly submitted to the only One that truly knows what is right. Coming up with our own version of it is never going to be okay.

Saying or doing anything only because we think it's okay without following His will is setting ourselves up for a huge awakening. Arrogance leads to a massive downfall. We can either open our eyes and humble our hearts to His truth now, or He will do it for us later. You get to choose, but there's only one option that doesn't come with a truly humiliating downfall. Pretty clear winner!


  1. Very true. How often do we just not even think about it and think that we know something, that we are right, that our way is the right one. What is wrong with that is that we need to stop and pray and think about what God wants us to do. How did Jesus live his life and what would he have done. Mayeb the WWJD bracelets should make a comeback.

    1. Exactly, it makes us stop looking to Him. It takes His way completely out of the picture and that's never something we should want. And think you might be on to something, people sure seemed to care a little bit more back when those bracelets were popular!


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