Day 2046 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Corinthians 12:10 NIV

When I am weak, then I am strong. Wait, isn't that backwards? Well, in the world's perspective it is. We're all led to think that we have to be invincible. So many people have gotten used to painting on these smiles and pretending that everything's just fine so that they don't let anyone else see their weaknesses. But living a lie never helps anyone in any possible way.

In truth, we're our strongest in our weakest moments. That's because when we've reached the end of ourselves, then we've found the beginning of Christ. When our own strength has run out, then we get to see His take over. We never get that opportunity as long as we're managing things on our own and making it under our own steam.

So in all reality, it's the things in life that completely break us down and expose our weaknesses and flaws that help us the most. They push us past what we can do by ourselves and finally get us to that place where we have to lean on God. They force us to give up, relinquish control, and let God take the driver's seat. And that's exactly where He should be anyway!

If left up to ourselves, we'd just lay down and die whenever things get harder than we can manage. Like I've said plenty of times before, we like the comfortable and easy way. We enjoy being in control. And that feeling of pride in thinking we're doing something by ourselves, well that's the kind of thing that our selfish egos crave! But we all have limits, and that's nothing at all to be ashamed of. Again, those limits, those weaknesses force us to let go and let God take over.

So never be embarrassed or ashamed of your struggles. We all have them. They don't make us worthless or pathetic. They simply remind us that we're human. And they help us remember that God isn't. He doesn't have those limits or problems, and that's why He can always get us through anything we face. If we can learn to appreciate our trials as chances to see God in action, then we will never live in fear, shame, or any other negative mindset ever again!


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