Day 2051 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Corinthians 7:10 NIV

There's a massive difference between being sorry and truly repenting. We've all felt sorry for doing or saying things. But just feeling bad isn't enough when it comes to sin. Making mistakes is part of our story, but it shouldn't ever be that final chapter. We can't accept sin in our lives. We need to want better and find the determination inside of us to do something about it.

Yesterday we talked about change and how we can do absolutely anything when we're following Christ to being the better people He created us to be. That's the whole point, He made us for better than a life enslaved to sin. He created us for more than being controlled by the wicked ways of our broken humanity. So that feeling you get whenever you do something wrong, that's His Spirit reminding us that we're better than that.

That feeling, that deep, gut-wrenching feeling of knowing that you screwed up is one of the most humbling and usually miserable feelings that I can think of. I guess the world outside of our faith just says sorry and moves on like nothing happened. To be honest, I honestly don't remember what it's like to not think about repentance. I seriously don't remember. The further we get into our faith, the more serious things become I guess. And sin and the war against it is just one of those things that I reckon gets more meaningful and important.

Worldly sorrow just makes us feel bad, but it doesn't usually lead to any change. Sorry is one of the most overused words in the world. So many people are quick to just say sorry to calm a situation, not feel so bad for being a jerk, or to say whatever they want to while making it a little less stinging. But sorry isn't good enough in our faith. It's the change that matters. We have to see that what we're doing is wrong, feel that unyielding desire to fix it, and then put in the work to make it happen. That's repentance. And it's exactly what our sins require.

The bottom line is that we can't keep doing the very things that put Christ on that cross. Faith isn't a freedom to do as we please with the promise that He will keep on forgiving us. Faith is the realization that we're all pretty jacked up and in need of some serious work. It's the acknowledgement of our sins and mistakes and the never-ending push to leave them behind and live better lives. Friends, don't just settle for that feeling of shame and regret whenever you do something wrong. Fix it. Fight for better because you were made for it!


  1. It is not a free pass to act however we want to, it is a blessing and a gift to be forgiven. But we should strive to be better and to grow.

    1. Exactly! Why stay the same when He's given us the chance to be better?


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