Day 2052 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 3:18 NIV

Ok, so this one has been on my mind all night, and it's managed to stay there until now. I want to clear something up about these daily Bible verse posts. I don't know anything. I've thought about that fact off and on since I started this thing well over five years ago. I've often worried that some of these posts may come across like I know everything there is to know about different things, and that will never be the case.

I wanted to just throw this out there for everyone who reads them, or those who may have gotten the wrong impression along the way. I definitely don't know everything. I'm just a jacked up sinner like you. We're all in this life-long journey of unlearning all the lessons this world has taught us and learning God's way of doing things. We're in the process of becoming fools in the world's opinion so that we can chase after God.

I think that's really the whole point of this walk of faith that we're all taking. It's about leaving our old lives and old ways of thinking and behaving behind so that we can take hold of something better. God gave us the Bible to help teach us the lessons that our broken societies don't really share. He gave us prayer to help us connect with Him, and in turn, disconnect from everything else for a bit. And He gave us His Spirit to help guide us through the ups and downs of this journey to something better.

It will never be about us knowing everything or thinking that we do. We can't. That's God's job. That's His part. We are the ones to humble ourselves and trust in His wisdom and lean on Him for all the things that we don't know. The more we think we know, the quicker we stop trying to learn more. It's the exact opposite of our world's desire to know everything. We all have so much to learn from God, so getting to some point where we stop will never be okay.

My point is that it's a great thing for us to be fools because it opens our eyes to how much we still have to learn from our Father. So all these posts are nothing more than me sharing some of the lessons I'm learning and hopefully encouraging you guys to dive in and learn from Him as well. And one of the biggest lessons I've learned so far is that humility will always get us farther than pride. After all, He's the Teacher, we're just the ones who get to share the messages!


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