Day 2053 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 3:13 NIV

Yesterday was one of those humbling posts that I've just felt the need to share with you all. I really don't know anything, and as strange as it sounds, I'm cool with that. That why I wanted to share yesterday's post. We can't allow ourselves to get to the point where we think we know it all. We have far too much to learn, far too much to fix. Sliding into this mindset where we're good enough only keeps us from being even better!

I'm personally excited to learn from the best Teacher we could ever hope to have. Learning, change, and growth are all things that I've always enjoyed. So to think that this faith gives us the chance to forget all the messed up mistakes we've made and learn a better way of life is incredible! I mean who doesn't want to leave their broken pasts behind and head into the hopeful glory of God's will?

Here's one of the biggest problems though, the forgetting part. I don't know about you, but I literally still feel bad about things I did almost 20 years ago! Maybe I'm just weird, but sometimes the forgetting is the hardest part. After all, society really likes holding grudges, so we've basically been reminded of our mistakes ever since we first made them. So actually managing to forget them is a huge task for sure!

But even if we can't manage to forget everything right away, we can trust that God meant it all those times that He's said He would forgive our sins. We can believe that Christ really died to cleanse us from those mistakes and give us the chance to be free from the darkness of our past. When we finally begin to understand what's been done for us, it makes it a little easier to stop beating ourselves up for the mistakes we've made along the way.

Friends, we really can let go of the past. Yes, some of it hurt and left scars that we may always remember. Some of it is quite embarrassing and gave us memories that we'd love to forget. But no matter what lies behind you, God still has a beautiful future just for you. He still has some truly awesome plans, gifts, and promises that He's yet to unfold.

Don't miss any of it because you're still dragging the past with you. I know, it seems crazy to think that we're really free from all those mistakes back there. But we are! Embrace that gift of salvation, and never stop forging ahead toward Him. What happened before is over and done. Why keep going over it when He has all these new things in store?


  1. Good post. Let it go and walk with Jesus. How free can we really be when we drag around an anchor.

    1. Exactly! We love the idea of freedom, but the letting go just seems too good to be true. Maybe we should just try it and see that He really means what He says!


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